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Unia Europejska

Konferencje MTE 2024

MTE 2024 conference baner widok z drona na stocznię
We are pleased to inform you, that the upcoming anniversary

XXth Marine Traffic Engineering Conference MTE 2024

MTE 2024

will be held this year in:

Szczecin (Poland) from 6th to 8th of November 2024

The MTE 2024 Conference is organized for the twentieth time as part of our academic tradition by the Maritime University of Szczecin (MUS) at our premises. We cordially invite to join the conference every scientist, researcher and all marine practitioner willing to exchange knowledge and ideas with other open-minded marine-oriented colleagues.

We look forward to seeing you in Szczecin and celebrating MTE 2024 with us!

The scientiffic topics discussed during the conference include thematic areas such as:
• safety and reliability of transportation systems • safety management systems in transportation • risk assessment in transportation systems • safety of navigation and shipping • marine and pilot navigation • ice navigation • marine traffic engineering • marine meteorology and weather routing • satellite-based navigation systems • positioning systems • unmanned transport • oil spill modelling and combating • marine cartography, hydrography and geodesy • geomatics and GIS applications • telematics in transportation • VTS and related issues • maritime simulation • manoeuvrability and hydrodynamics of ships • maritime education and training • human factors in maritime applications • bridge resource management • marine sensors and components • SAR and related issues • e-navigation • operational integration aboard and ashore • maritime robotics • maritime situation awareness systems • visions and strategies for the future

The honorary patronage of the XXth Marine Traffic Engineering Conference MTE 2024 was taken by:
  • the Marshal of West Pomeranian Voivodeship - Olgierd Geblewicz
  • the President of Szczecin - Piotr Krzystek
  • the Chief of the Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy - Captain Dariusz Kolator
  • the President of the Polish Navigation Forum - Janusz Uriasz, PhD Eng., MUS Professor
  • the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin - Wojciech Ślączka, PhD Eng., Master Mariner, MUS Professor  

Scientific Committee

Member name and surname Institution Country
Teresa ABRAMOWICZ-GERIGK Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Tomasz ABRAMOWSKI Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Nicoleta ACOMI Constanta Maritime University Romania
Jarosław ARTYSZUK Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Mieczysław BAKUŁA Polish Air Force University Poland
Michael BALDAUF Hochschule Wismar Germany
Andrzej BANACHOWICZ West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin Poland
Andrzej BĄK Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Artur BEJGER Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Heinz-Peter BERG Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz Germany
Michael BERGMANN BM Bergmann Marine Germany
Jarosław BOSY Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences Poland
Mihaela BUKLIAS University of Zagreb Croatia
Zbigniew BURCIU Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Tomasz CEPOWSKI Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Krzysztof CZAPLEWSKI Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Janusz ĆWIKLAK Polish Air Force University Poland
Dimitrios  DALAKLIS World Maritime University Sweden
Thor-Egil EIDE University of South-Eastern Norway Norway
Sophia EVERETT  Victoria University Australia
Andrzej FELSKI Polish Naval Academy Poland
Katarzyna GAWDZIŃSKA Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Mirosław GERIGK Gdańsk University of Technology Poland
Dariusz GOTLIB Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Marek GRZEGORZEWSKI Polish Air Force University Poland
Lucjan GUCMA Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Maciej GUCMA Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Stanisław GUCMA Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Sambor GUZE Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Špiro IVOŠEVIĆ University of Montenegro Montenegro
Marianna JACYNA Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Kazimierz JAMROZ Gdańsk University of Technology Poland
Ian JENKINSON Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom
Wojciech JURCZAK Polish Naval Academy Poland
Lech KASYK Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Magdalena KAUP Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Witold KAZIMIERSKI Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Jan KELNER Military University of Technology Poland
Michał KĘDZIERSKI Military University of Technology Poland
Holger KLINDT Holger Klindt Consulting Germany
Žarko KOBOEVIĆ University of Dubrovnik Croatia
Stanisław KOŁACZYŃSKI Polish Naval Academy Poland
Bernard KONTNY Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences Poland
Andrzej LENART Warsaw University of Life Sciences Poland
John LLOYD The Nautical Institute England
Dorota ŁOZOWICKA Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Jacek ŁUBCZONEK Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Artur MAKAR Polish Naval Academy Poland
Waldemar MIRONIUK Polish Naval Academy Poland
Jakub MONTEWKA Gdańsk University of Technology Poland
Reinhard MÜLLER-DEMUTH Hochschule Wismar Germany
Janusz NARKIEWICZ Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Krzysztof NAUS Polish Naval Academy Poland
Salman NAZIR University of South-Eastern Norway Norway
Rudy NEGENBORN Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
Thoralf NOACK German Aerospace Center Germany
Helle OLTEDAL Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Norway
Runar OSTNES Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
Vytautas PAULAUSKAS Klaipeda University Lithuania
Marko PERKOVIC University of Lubljana Slovenia
Stojan PETELIN University of Lubljana Slovenia
Zbigniew PIETRZYKOWSKI Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Krzysztof POKONIECZNY Polish Naval Academy Poland
Tomasz PRACZYK Polish Naval Academy Poland
Dirk PROSKE Axpo Power AG Switzerland
Marek PRZYBORSKI Polish Naval Academy Poland
Zofia RZEPECKA University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Poland
Fokke SAATHOFF University of Rostock Germany
Halvor SCHOYEN University of South-Eastern Norway Norway
Mirosław SIERGIEJCZYK Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Jacek SKORUPSKI Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Leszek SMOLAREK Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Joanna SOSZYŃSKA-BUDNY Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Cezary SPECHT Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Anna STELMACH Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Tadeusz SZELANGIEWICZ Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Rafał SZŁAPCZYŃSKI Gdańsk University of Technology Poland
Janusz SZPYTKO AGH University of Krakow Poland
Tomasz SZUBRYCHT Polish Naval Academy Poland
Elżbieta SZYCHTA Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology Poland
Wojciech ŚLĄCZKA Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Roman ŚMIERZCHALSKI Gdańsk University of Technology Poland
Henryk ŚNIEGOCKI Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Barbara TCHÓRZEWSKA-CIEŚLAK Rzeszow University of Technology Poland
Vladimir TORSKIY Odessa National Maritime Academy Ukraine
Elen TWRDY University of Lubljana Slovenia
Makoto UCHIDA Kobe University Japan
Janusz URIASZ Maritime University of Szczecin Poland
Peter VIDMAR University of Lubljana Slovenia
Ryszard WAWRUCH Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Wojciech WAWRZYŃSKI Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Mariusz WĄŻ Polish Naval Academy Poland
Adam WEINTRIT Gdynia Maritime University Poland
Yuanqiao WEN Wuhan University of Technology China
Peter WIDE UiT The Arctic University of Norway Norway
Paweł WIELGOSZ University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Poland
Hideo YABUKI Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Japan
Joanna ŻUKOWSKA Gdańsk University of Technology Poland

Note to Authors

The MTE 2024 Conference enables the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and opinions that concern the safety of navigation, marine traffic engineering, and related maritime issues.


Registration and abstract submission – 30 September 2024
Fee payment – 15 October 2024


Participants are welcome to register for the MTE 2024 through the registration form

Abstract submission

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of papers to

Conference papers and proceedings

All accepted papers will be pre-reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee, abstracts will be published as conference proceedings. We recommend publication of conference papers for an extra fee in:
MUS Scientific Journals (70 points for Polish authors)
Applied Sciences (100 points for Polish authors, Impact Factor 2.5) Special issue TBA

Authors are asked to submit their articles to the publisher by themselves.

Conference language

The official conference language is English.

Conference fees

Fee PLN Euro
Standard conference fee 1500 350
Educational participation (students) 1100 257


Registration fees via bank transfer should be paid in PLN (Polish zloty) or in EUR through one of the following accounts:

in PLN: 16 1240 1864 1111 0000 2205 5615

Name of recipient:
Politechnika Morska w Szczecinie
ul. Wały Chrobrego 1-2
70-500 Szczecin

in EUR : IBAN PL 51 1240 1864 1978 0000 2205 6061

Name of recipient:
Maritime University of Szczecin
Waly Chrobrego 1-2
70-500 Szczecin

In the bank transfer title, please specify: “name, surname participation in MTE 2024”


Preliminary Programme
6.11.2024 (Wednesday afternoon)
12:00 - 13:00 Registration
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:30 Opening ceremony
14:30 - 15:50 Plenary session
15:50 - 16:10 Coffee break
16:10 - 17:30 Parallel sessions
19:30             Gala dinner (at the hotel)

7.11.2024 (Thursday)
09:30 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 13:00 Parallel sessions
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 Poster session
16:30 - 19:30 Visiting Maritime Science Center in Szczecin
19:30             Dinner (at Maritime Science Center)

8.11.2024 (Friday)
09:30 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 13:00 Parallel sessions and closing of MTE 2024
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch


The Conference will take place at the University premises:

Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Transport Engineering and Economics
Szczerbcowa 4
70-503 Szczecin


We reccomend accomodation in the hotels located close to the MTE 2024 venue:

Radisson Blu Hotel ****
Plac Rodła 10, 70-419 Szczecin

Park Hotel ****
Plantowa 1, 70-527 Szczecin

Hotel Dana Business & Conference ****
Wyzwolenia 50, 71-500 Szczecin

Hotel Zamek Centrum ****
Panieńska 15, 70-535 Szczecin.

Ibis Styles Szczecin Stare Miasto ***
Panieńska 10, 70-535 Szczecin.

Hotel Focus Szczecin ***
Małopolska 23, 70-515 Szczecin.


Conference Office

Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Wały Chrobrego Str. 1-2
70-500 Szczecin, POLAND
phone: (+48) 91 48-09-378
e-mail: mte(at)

Head of Scientific Chair:
Paweł Zalewski, PhD, DSc, AFNI
Dean of Faculty of Navigation

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