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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Grzegorz Stępień

Tytuł: Subsea wellhead spud-in marking and as-built position estimation method based on ultra-short baseline acoustic positioning

Autor/Autorzy: Arkadiusz Tomczak, Grzegorz Stępień, Tomasz Abramowski, Artur Bejger

Miejsce publikacji: MEASUREMENT

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: subsea offshore assets positioning, position estimation, subsea navigation, seafloor mapping

Abstrakt: Positioning seabed objects in ultra-deep waters is critical in the mapping, exploration, and industrial exploitation of oceans. This paper presents research on a subsea wellhead positioning process for the marking of seabed positions and its subsequent as-built verification. The results indicate that the ultra-short baseline (USBL) acoustic technique can provide static positioning accuracy and precision comparable to those of a long-baseline method (LBL) and significantly reduces the time and cost of the offshore project. The new approach was tested at different stages of the process. First, an innovative offset transformation method, which increases the precision of alignments, was proposed, followed by a step-by-step procedure for determining the positions of marker buoys on the seabed based on spin tests and cardinal heading calibration. Finally, the M-estimation method, which has not yet been applied in subsea engineering, was implemented and proved to be a suitable alternative to the ordinary least squares method.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111155

Tytuł: Applicability of Machine Learning for Vessel Dimension Survey with a Minimum Number of Common Points

Autor/Autorzy: Ilona Garczyńska, Arkadiusz Tomczak, Grzegorz Stępień, Lech Kasyk, Wojciech Ślączka, Tomasz Kogut

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences-Basel

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: dimensional control, three-dimensional coordinates transformations, off-shore surveying, marine geodesy, artificial neural networks, applied engineering

Abstrakt: This paper presents the challenges encountered in the dimensional control of ships, platforms, and offshore units. This novel approach utilizes machine learning (MLP—Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network) for three-dimensional (3D) spatial coordinate transformations when only three common points are known. The proposed method was verified based on laboratory and field data. The main issue was to provide a sufficient number of valid training points. The oversampling method was used to meet this criterion. The achieved results indicate equal or better accuracy when the points were located inside the adjustment points array. In the case where the points lay outside this array, no improvement in the accuracy of the transformation was observed. The neural approach restores the transformation symmetry, and in some cases, such as the study of deformation of engineering objects, breaks the symmetry rather than restoring it.

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DOI: 10.3390/app12073453

Tytuł: Method of Improving Incomplete Spatial-Temporal Data in Inland Navigation, on the Basis of Industrial Camera Images – West Oder River Case Study

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień, Artur Kujawski, Arkadiusz Tomczak, Roman Hałaburda, Kamil Borczyk

Miejsce publikacji: Transport and Telecommunication Journal

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: freight transport, image processing, inland navigation, geodesy, industrial camera

Abstrakt: Main aim of the paper is to use a single non-metric camera to support the determination of the position of. Authors propose to use the existing infrastructure of CCTV cameras mounted on bridges and wharves to determine the position of inland waterway vessels. Image from cameras giving the pixel coordinates of moving object is transformed to the geodetic data domain using a modified projective transformation method. Novel approach is to use of Sequential Projection Transformation (SPT) which additionally uses virtual reference points. The transformation coefficients calculated using the virtual points are used to determine the position of the vessels and are also simultaneously used to calibrate the industrial camera. The method has been verified under real conditions, and the results obtained are average 30% more accurate compared to the traditionally used projective transformation using a small number of real points.

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DOI: 10.2478/ttj-2022-0005

Tytuł: Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Image Processing Techniques in Monitoring Underwater Coastal Protection Measures

Autor/Autorzy: Jakub Śledziewski, Paweł Terefenko, Andrzej Giza, Paweł Forczmański, Andrzej Łysko, Witold Maćków, Grzegorz Stępień, Arkadiusz Tomczak, Apoloniusz Kurylczyk

Miejsce publikacji: Remote Sensing

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: image processing, object detection, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), coastal monitoring, underwater reef

Abstrakt: A prerequisite for solving issues associated with surf zone variability, which affect human activity in coastal zones, is an accurate estimation of the effects of coastal protection methods. Therefore, performing frequent monitoring activities, especially when applying new nature-friendly coastal defense methods, is a major challenge. In this manuscript, we propose a pipeline for performing low-cost monitoring using RGB images, accessed by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a four-level analysis architecture of an underwater object detection methodology. First, several color-based pre-processing activities were applied. Second, contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization and the Hough transform methodology were used to automatically detect the underwater, circle-shaped elements of a hybrid coastal defense construction. An alternative pipeline was used to detect holes in the circle-shaped elements with an adaptive thresholding method; this pipeline was subsequently applied to the normalized images. Finally, the concatenation of the results from both the methods and the validation processes were performed. The results indicate that our automated monitoring tool works for RGB images captured by a low-cost consumer UAV. The experimental results showed that our pipeline achieved an average error of four pixels in the test set.

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DOI: 10.3390/rs14030458

Tytuł: Dimensioning Method of Floating Offshore Objects by Means of Quasi-Similarity Transformation with Reduced Tolerance Errors

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień, Arkadiusz Tomczak, Martin Loosaar, Tomasz Ziębka

publikacji: SENSORS

Rok: 2020

kluczowe: similarity transformation, affine transformation, rotation matrix, offshore surveying, dimensional control, orthogonal coordinate system, close range photogrammetry, total station

Abstrakt: The human activities in the offshore oil and gas, renewable energy and construction industry require reliable data acquired by different types of hydrographic sensors: DGNSS (Differential Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning, attitude sensors, multibeam sonars, lidars or total stations installed on the offshore vessel, drones or platforms. Each component or sensor that produces information, unique to its position, will have a point that is considered as the reference point of that sensor. The accurate measurement of the offsets is vital to establish the mathematical relation between sensor and vessel common reference point in order to achieve sufficient accuracy of the survey data. If possible, the vessel will be put on a hard stand so that it can be very accurately measured using the standard land survey technique. However, due to the complex environment and sensors being mobilized when the vessel is in service, this may not be possible, and the offsets will have to be measured in sea dynamic conditions by means of a total station from a floating platform. This article presents the method of transformation by similarity with elements of affine transformation, called Q-ST (Quasi-Similarity Transformation). The Q-ST has been designed for measurements on such unstable substrates when it is not possible to level the total station (when the number of adjustment points is small (4–6 points)). Such situation occurs, among others, when measuring before the offshore duties or during the jack up or semi-submersible rig move. The presented calculation model is characterized by zero deviations at the adjustment points (at four common points). The transformation concerns the conversion of points between two orthogonal and inclined reference frames. The method enables the independent calculation of the scale factor, rotation matrix and system translation. Scaling is performed first in real space, and then both systems are shifted to the centroid, which is the center of gravity. The center of gravity is determined for the fit points that meet the criterion of stability of the orthogonal transformation. Then, the rotation matrix is computed, and a translation is performed from the computational (centroid) to real space. In the applied approach, the transformation parameters, scaling, rotation and translation, are determined independently, and the least squares method is applied independently at each stage of the calculations. The method has been verified in laboratory conditions as well as in real conditions. The results were compared to other known methods of coordinate transformation. The proposed approach is a development of the idea of transformation by similarity based on centroids.

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DOI: 10.3390/s20226497

Tytuł: The importance of 5G networks for railway transport development

Autor/Autorzy: Elżbieta Załoga, Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin-Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2020

kluczowe: railway transport, digitalisation, 5G network, service, passengers, accessibility

Abstrakt: Digitisation of transport is a tool for achieving the European Union’s political goals included in the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe. For rail transport, digital innovation is required to increase its competitiveness. One of the tools of the digital transformation of railways is 5G networks, the fifth generation of wireless communication systems. The purpose of this article is to present the benefits of implementing 5G network for railway operators. Focus was placed on its innovative features, such as ultra-fast access to Internet services, very high connection reliability, and extremely low data transmission delays. Examples of new services for railway operators based on the capabilities of 5G networks were presented. This article describes the unique functions of the 5G network in which resources can be flexibly allocated depending on current traffic needs thanks to the network slicing function, e.g., for services of key importance to rail traffic and commercial services for other market segments. Roadmap proposals for transforming the current rail communication network infrastructure towards the target FRMCS system are presented. The analysis was based on source materials from Nokia Corporation, available literature, EU documents and regulations, as well as institutional studies of the railway sector.

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DOI: 10.17402/437

Tytuł: The Three-Segment Control and Measurement of Reliable Monitoring of the Deformation of the Rock Mass Surface and Engineering Structures on the Międzyodrze Islands in Szczecin, NW Poland

Autor/Autorzy: Marek Zygmunt, Stefan Cacoń, Wojciech Milczarek, Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Piotrowski, Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: Geosciences

Rok: 2020

kluczowe: organic deposits, organic soils, Międzyodrze islands, precision levelling, vertical movements, deformation monitoring, InSAR Small Baseline Subset Method

Abstrakt: The research area is located in north-western Poland. It is the city of Szczecin with a particular emphasis on the Międzyodrze islands. The area of the EcoGenerator Waste Disposal Plant is part of the research area. The analysis of the geological structure of the subsurface layer of Earth’s crust within Szczecin, was carried out with particular emphasis on the EcoGenerator Waste Disposal Plant. The analysis of height changes of the benchmarks, was based on archival materials measured in two campaigns. A detailed recognition of the geological structure in connection with the analysis of changes in the height of the benchmarks was important. This enabled stable benchmarks to be located in several areas of Szczecin. They formed the basis for reliable monitoring of surface deformations of organic and existing sediments within the EkoGenerator Plant. The application of an appropriate three segment control and measurement system. In the area around the EcoGenerator Plant, vertical movements of the area were observed using the InSAR Small Baseline Subset Method. An InSAR analysis is only used here for very broad identification of the moving area. The radar data came from Sentinel 1 A and 1 B satellites. A total of 129 images from 15.11.2014 to 28.07.2019 were used.The results of the analyses conducted, form the basis for discussion and act as a summary of the considerations in this paper.

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DOI: 10.3390/geosciences10050179

Tytuł: Application of Total Free Station Method (TFS) for Offshore Surveying in Oblique Coordinate System

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień, Arkadiusz Tomczak, Tomasz Ziębka

publikacji: E3S Web of Conferences

Rok: 2018

kluczowe: deformations of engineering objects, unstable area, geological monitoring, geodesy engineering

Abstrakt: The location of reference points in deformation studies of engineering objects is often associated with low reliability of the obtained measurement results. This concerns the lack of proper diagnosis of the geological structure of the area. The reliability of deformation measurements is also low when we obtain data that only characterize the effects and not the cause-and-effects. The authors reviewed the influence of geological conditions on the formation of deformations of some engineering objects. The reference points were located in the immediate vicinity of the facilities, without taking into account the geological structure of the areas where the facilities were located. The proposed test method is based on a three-segment control and measurement system. An example of such considerations is the engineering facilities on the Grodzka and Ostrów Grabowski Island in the Szczecin area. The basic issue is to locate geologically stable areas in the vicinity of monitored engineering objects on the basis of geological substrate assessment and to analyse archival materials concerning periodical measurements of class 1 and 2 levelling lines in the Szczecin area. Reference points are located, which constitute the first segment of the control and measurement system. Subsequent segments of the system are organized with reference to the points of the first segment. This method provides reliable data on deformations of engineering objects.

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DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20187100018

Tytuł: The problem of credibility studies on deformations of engineering objects in the geologically unstable area of Szczecin

Autor/Autorzy: Marek Zygmunt, Stefan Cacoń, Andrzej Piotrowski, Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: E3S Web of Conferences

Rok: 2018

kluczowe: deformations of engineering objects, unstable area, geological monitoring, geodesy engineering

Abstrakt: The location of reference points in deformation studies of engineering objects is often associated with low reliability of the obtained measurement results. This concerns the lack of proper diagnosis of the geological structure of the area. The reliability of deformation measurements is also low when we obtain data that only characterize the effects and not the cause-and-effects. The authors reviewed the influence of geological conditions on the formation of deformations of some engineering objects. The reference points were located in the immediate vicinity of the facilities, without taking into account the geological structure of the areas where the facilities were located. The proposed test method is based on a three-segment control and measurement system. An example of such considerations is the engineering facilities on the Grodzka and Ostrów Grabowski Island in the Szczecin area. The basic issue is to locate geologically stable areas in the vicinity of monitored engineering objects on the basis of geological substrate assessment and to analyse archival materials concerning periodical measurements of class 1 and 2 levelling lines in the Szczecin area. Reference points are located, which constitute the first segment of the control and measurement system. Subsequent segments of the system are organized with reference to the points of the first segment. This method provides reliable data on deformations of engineering objects.

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DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20187100018

Tytuł: Method of the Determination of Exterior Orientation of Sensors in Hilbert Type Space

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: SENSORS

Rok: 2018

kluczowe: isometric transformation, big rotation angles, similarity transformation, Total Free Station—TFS, oblique orthogonal coordinate system, exterior orientation of sensor, Multi-Centroid Isometric Transformation—MCIT, geodesy surveying, close range photogrammetry, Multi-Centroid Transformation—MCT

Abstrakt: The following article presents a new isometric transformation algorithm based on the transformation in the newly normed Hilbert type space. The presented method is based on so-called virtual translations, already known in advance, of two relative oblique orthogonal coordinate systems—interior and exterior orientation of sensors—to a common, known in both systems, point. Each of the systems is translated along its axis (the systems have common origins) and at the same time the angular relative orientation of both coordinate systems is constant. The translation of both coordinate systems is defined by the spatial norm determining the length of vectors in the new Hilbert type space. As such, the displacement of two relative oblique orthogonal systems is reduced to zero. This makes it possible to directly calculate the rotation matrix of the sensor. The next and final step is the return translation of the system along an already known track. The method can be used for big rotation angles. The method was verified in laboratory conditions for the test data set and measurement data (field data). The accuracy of the results in the laboratory test is on the level of 10−6 of the input data. This confirmed the correctness of the assumed calculation method. The method is a further development of the author’s 2017 Total Free Station (TFS) transformation to several centroids in Hilbert type space. This is the reason why the method is called Multi-Centroid Isometric Transformation—MCIT. MCIT is very fast and enables, by reducing to zero the translation of two relative oblique orthogonal coordinate systems, direct calculation of the exterior orientation of the sensors.

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DOI: 10.3390/s18030891

Tytuł: A method of determining inland vessel position using a single stationary, non-metric camera

Autor/Autorzy: Artur Kujawski, Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: inland shipping, projective transformation, image analysis, non-metric camera, UAV

Abstrakt: The article presents results of research on the determine inland vessel position using a single stationary non-metric camera, which was set on the Długi Bridge in Szczecin. Studies included a comparison of graphic methods (i.e. geometric transformation and bunch of rays method) and analytic methods (i.e. 2D to 2D transformation and 3D to 2D transformation). The research material was a video images of inland vessel passing the West Odra River between Długi and Kolejowy bridges in Szczecin. The results of the research was compared to reference points determined using tachymetric surveys and material acquired by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and the GNSS satellite receiver with RTK correction.

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DOI: 10.17402/251

Tytuł: A method for the determination of Inlandslide risks using a Digital Elevation Model created by Unmanned Aerial Systems with a hydrogeological data connection

Autor/Autorzy: Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski, Grzegorz Stępień, Marek Zygmunt, Roman Hałaburda, Kamil Borczyk

publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: UAS, DEM, DTM landslide, hydrogeological data, angle of internal friction, cohesion

Abstrakt: This article presents the problem of surveying landslide prone areas. Discussed are the possibility of using photogrammetry methods for digital imaging, creating Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of slope surface and combining these with the ground’s angle of internal friction, cohesion and hydrogeological data. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) with inclined high precision cameras show different slope angles than UASs with vertical cameras. Expressly, we can see places within the landslide area where the angle of internal friction and cohesion are low. These places are the most likely to suffer further mass movements causing fissures and ground displacements. In the observed landslide area we separated the steep parts of the slope, with low cohesion values, and the slight parts of the slope, with low values of angle of internal friction. In these different areas, landslides can evolve in different ways and at different speeds. The Factor of Safety (FS) was calculated for different types of area which allowed the probability of new mass movements to be checked for different areas. This method can be useful for C-B and X-Band PSI Interferometry Data. Because of the damage potentially incurred by landslides, there is a need to better understand these natural phenomena, especially their methods and speed of development and how they can be prevented from forming in the future.

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DOI: 10.17402/257

Tytuł: Determination of the influence of building mass on Landslide formation using unmanned aerial systems.

Autor/Autorzy: Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski, Marek Zygmunt, Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich - Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: aero triangulation, UAS, DSM, landslide, geological structure

Abstrakt: Following the torrential rain and floods that occurred between 1997 and 2010, there has been an emergence of new and previously activated processes related to soil and rock landslides in the Polish Carpathians. In light of the damage incurred by landslides, there is a problem with the thorough diagnosis of the nature of phenomena and thus the development of methods to prevent landslides in the future. This article discusses the problem of surveying landslide areas. It highlights the possibility of using photogrammetric methods for digital imaging, as well as determines the dimensions when estimating the mass of buildings within the area of a landslide, with particular emphasis on the use of an unmanned aerial system (UAS). The described method for obtaining processing images involves a non-metric camera mounted on a UAS. The designed projections centre on individual images and elements of angular orientation and the camera interior. This enables the creation and texturing of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) model. The final result in this work is a digital surface model (DSM) and an orthophotomap. It was found that characteristic land types have been occurring in the landslide substrate with key parameters determining their properties. This enabled the determination of a resistance ground border and provided an opportunity to examine whether a building of known mass may be the main cause of a landslide.

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DOI: 10.14597/infraeco.2017.4.2.122

Tytuł: New approach to isometric transformations in oblique local coordinate systems of reference.

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień, Ewa Zalas, Tomasz Ziębka

publikacji: Geodesy and Cartography

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: oblique orthogonal system, isometric transformation, big rotation angles, Total Free Station

Abstrakt: The research article describes a method of isometric transformation and determining an exterior orientation of a measurement instrument. The method is based on a designation of a “virtual” translation of two relative oblique orthogonal systems to a common, known in the both systems, point. The relative angle orientation of the systems does not change as each of the systems is moved along its axis. The next step is the designation of the three rotation angles (e.g. Tait-Bryan or Euler angles), transformation of the system convoluted at the calculated angles and moving the system to the initial position where the primary coordinate system was. This way eliminates movements of the systems from the calculations and makes it possible to calculate angles of mutual rotation angles of two orthogonal systems primarily involved in the movement. The research article covers laboratory calculations for simulated data. The accuracy of the results is 10-6 m (10-3 regarding the accuracy of the input data). This confi rmed the correctness of the assumed calculation method. In the following step the method was verifi ed under fi eld conditions, where the accuracy of the method raised to 0.003 m. The proposed method enabled to make the measurements with the oblique and uncentered instrument, e.g. total station instrument set over an unknown point. This is the reason why the method was named by the authors as Total Free Station – TFS. The method may be also used for isometric transformations for photogrammetric purposes.

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DOI: 10.1515/geocart-2017-0017

Tytuł: Wyznaczanie granic użytków rolnych z wykorzystaniem bezzałogowych systemów latających.

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień, Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski, Krzysztof Beczkowski

publikacji: Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich - Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: aerotriangulacja, samokalibracja, ortofotomapa, działka rolna, BSL

Abstrakt: W artykule przedstawiono problematykę pomiarów geodezyjnych na terenach rolnych. Nakreślono tradycyjne metody pomiarów i wskazano na przyczyny nieścisłości osiąganych wyników tych pomiarów ze stanem faktycznym na gruncie. Przy ocenie niezgodności pomiarów ze stanem faktycznym wykorzystano doświadczenia jednego z autorów (Beczkowski K.), który jest biegłym sądowym. Wskazano na możliwość wykorzystania metod fotogrametrycznych do wyznaczania granic działek i użytków, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Bezzałogowych Systemów Latających (BSL). Opisano metody przetwarzania zdjęć pomiarowych pozyskanych kamerami niemetrycznymi zamontowanymi na BSL. Wskazano na potrzebę samokalibracji kamer, w wyniku której wyznaczane są ich elementy orientacji wewnętrznej, co w przypadku dokładnie wyznaczonej osnowy fotogrametrycznej, podnosi dokładność opracowań końcowych – Numerycznego Modelu (Pokrycia) Terenu i ortofotomapy. W celu uzyskania wysokich dokładności wyznaczania elementów orientacji kamer pomiarowych w niniejszym opracowaniu wykorzystano specjalnie zaprojektowaną polową osnowę fotogrametryczną. W eksperymencie pomiarowym wykonano naloty fotogrametryczne dwoma rodzajami BSL – konstrukcją wielowirnikową (pionowego startu) i płatowcem (lotu horyzontalnego), który dodatkowo wyposażony był w pozycjonowanie GNSS środka rzutów z poprawkami w czasie rzeczywistym (RTK). Przetworzenie danych z nalotów wykonano w trybach GNSS RTK bez fotopunktów, GNSS z fotopunktami i GNSS bez fotopunktów. Następnie wyznaczono dokładności wszystkich przetworzeń i odniesiono je do granic wykazanych na mapie zasadniczej.

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Tytuł: Method of parameter reduction in the transformation of oblique photographs and proposal of its implementation in Unmanned Aerial Systems

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień, Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski, Ewa Zalas

publikacji: Baltic Geodetic Congress (Geomatics)

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: unmanned aerial vehicles, coordinate measuring, optical imaging

Abstrakt: In this publication, the authors present a different method of calculating rotation angles, based on rigid body mechanics. In addition, factors associated with the shift in coordinate system are eliminated in the initial phase of calculation. Based on the rules of momentum, the displacement of the coordinates and then the angles of rotation (Tait-Bryan) are calculated by which rotation matrix is determined. This shows that, in space to space transformations (where one is oblique relative to the second), it is sufficient to have at least two control points that are registered in both spaces, but are located on the axes of the primary system or three any-located points. This method was validated in a laboratory and field. A series of surveys using an electronic total station in an oblique system was conducted, gaining (sub)centimetre accuracy. Following this, the possibility of its implementation in unmanned aerial systems is discussed.

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DOI: 10.1109/BGC.Geomatics.2016.38

Tytuł: Wykorzystanie systemu typu GIS na przykladzie Parku Narodowego Ujście Warty

Autor/Autorzy: Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski, Grzegorz Stępień, Agata Witzurki, Monika Metynowska, Iwona Sobczyk

publikacji: Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich - Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: systemy geoinformacyjne, parki narodowe, dane geoprzestrzenne, UAS

Abstrakt: Obecnie parki narodowe gromadzą znaczne ilości danych przestrzennych. Dane te pozyskiwane są z powietrza, z ziemi oraz z wody. Występują one zarówno w postaci cyfrowej jak i analogowej, a do ich przetwarzania wykorzystywane są systemy o różnorodnych funkcjonalnościach i różnym stopniu złożoności. Budowa infrastruktury geoinformacyjnej parków odbywa się najczęściej z wykorzystaniem zobrazowań satelitarnych, lotniczych oraz danych z bezpośrednich pomiarów terenowych. Dane terenowe zbierane są na ogół przy użyciu odbiorników nawigacji satelitarnej (GNSS). Duże możliwości gromadzenia geodanych dają obecnie, wykorzystywane coraz częściej technologie Bezzałogowych Systemów Powietrznych (UAS) oraz skaningu laserowego. Analityczne opracowanie danych odbywa się na ogół przy zastosowaniu aplikacji typu GIS (Geographic Information System), która umożliwia analizy danych rastrowych, bazodanowych i wysokościowych. Dane te mają także swoje odniesienie przestrzenne, dzięki czemu możliwe jest np. określanie natężenia szlaków turystycznych czy stopnia wilgotności ściółki leśnej. W publikacji zaprezentowano możliwości wykorzystania systemu typu GIS na przykładzie Parku Narodowego Ujście Warty. W przedstawionym rozwiązaniu podstawą uzyskiwania informacji są dane atrybutowe zapisane w geobazie (w środowisku ArcGIS), dane obrazowe (obrazy lotnicze, satelitarne i z UAS) oraz Numeryczne Modele Wysokościowe. Dzięki opisanej propozycji (Witzurki A., 2013) możliwe stało się utworzenie w pełni funkcjonalnego systemu, wykorzystującego szerokie spektrum danych przestrzennych. W publikacji przedstawiono również możliwości trójwymiarowego opracowania przestrzeni parków narodowych z wykorzystaniem danych z UAS i naziemnego skaningu laserowego.

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DOI: 10.14597/infraeco.2016.3.2.073

Tytuł: Determining the spatial orientation of remote sensing sensors on the basis of incomplete coordinate systems

Autor/Autorzy: Ewa Zalas, Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski, Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: remote sensing, euler angles, incomplete coordinate system, exterior orientation of sensor, isometric transformation, axes rotations

Abstrakt: This article presents the method of determining the spatial orientation of the measuring sensors. This method is based on isometric space transformation registered in the oblique coordinate system. The approach is based on incomplete coordinate systems used for determination of transformation parameters. In this publication incomplete coordinate system is without one of the axes and the matching points connected primary and secondary coordinate systems are on the two other axes. On the basis of angular momentum translocation of the beginning of coordinate system is determined firstly. The next step is to calculate the Euler angles – exterior orientation of sensor. In this method the beginning (the center) of the coordinate system is associated with the sensor itself. This approach, in comparison with the methods known from photogrammetry and remote sensing, allows to reduce the points needed to transformation. In case of determining the Euler angles two points are indispensable and in case of the moving of the beegining of coordinate system three points are essential. In the end of this paper, the analysis of transformation, based on independent control points (ICP), was completed.

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DOI: 10.17402/082

Tytuł: Transformacje symetryczne w dynamicznych układach nachylonych z wykorzystaniem metod analizy funkcjonalnej

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień

Miejsce publikacji: Akademia Morska w Szczecinie

Rok: 2018

kluczowe: układ nachylony, stanowisko swobodne, transformacje przez podobieństwo, UAV, Free Station

Abstrakt: W publikacji podjęty został problem transformacji symetrycznych w dynamicznych i nachylonych układach odniesienia. Rozwiązanie tak sformułowanego zagadnienia prowadzi w praktyce do realizacji metody pomiarowej nazwanej przez autora jako Stanowisko Zupełnie Swobodne – Total Free Station (TFS). Metoda pomiarowa TFS, jak i zaproponowane podejście transformacyjne nie nakładają konieczności poziomowania i centrowania instrumentu (tachimetru) przed pomiarem i dlatego mogą być wykorzystane podczas pomiarów geodezyjnych na niestabilnych podłożach, takich jak pokłady statków, gdzie spoziomowanie instrumentu jest chwilowe i przybliżone. Proponowane podejście obliczeniowe może być zastosowane wszędzie tam, gdzie zachodzi potrzeba transformacji pomiarów wykonanych w nachylonych układach odniesienia, np. dla celów budownictwa okrętowego lub np. w układzie własnym obiektu, gdy obiekt znajduje się w ruchu. Opracowane przez autora formuły transformacyjne stanowią rozwinięcie idei transformacyjnej opartej na centroidzie, a podanej przez Mołodeńskiego i Badekasa. Stanowią także rozszerzenie do przestrzeni trójwymiarowej, idei transformacji Helmerta na płaszczyźnie, wykorzystującej środek ciężkości układu współrzędnych.

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publikacji: brak


DOI: brak

Tytuł: Przyszłość rozpoznania obrazowego w Siłach Zbrojnych RP - wersja pełna.

Autor/Autorzy: Józef Sanecki, Mariusz Kordowski, Jarosław Wierzcholski, Andrzej Najgebauer, Ryszard Antkiewicz, Grzegorz Stępień, Dariusz Pierzchała, Piotr Marszałek, Michał Grzybek, Wojciech Zalewski, Mariusz Chmielewski, Michał Dyk, Krzysztof Chlebicki, Jerzy Sanak

publikacji: Narodowe Centrum Studiów Strategicznych

Rok: 2016



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Tytuł: Przyszłość rozpoznania obrazowego w Siłach Zbrojnych RP - aneks techniczny.

Autor/Autorzy: Józef Sanecki, Jarosław Wierzcholski, Grzegorz Stępień, Piotr Marszałek, Michał Grzybek, Sergiusz Łączyński, Mariusz Kordowski

publikacji: Narodowe Centrum Studiów Strategicznych

Rok: 2016



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Tytuł: Application of UAV for Rapid Mapping Purposes

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień, Monika Metynowska, Andrzej Antosik, Józef Sanecki, Krzysztof Beczkowski, Andrzej Klewski, Kamil Borczyk, Roman Hałaburda, Kamila Olek

publikacji: Avid Scienc

Rok: 2018

kluczowe: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Close Range Photogrammetry, Rapid Response

Abstrakt: The article presents the possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for gaining data for rapid mapping purposes. Rapid mapping are usually used in situations of natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, fires, armed conflicts), security threats and wherever an immediate human response is required, and the access to the terrain is often limited or difficult. These conditions predispose UAVs to obtain data includinginformation and measurements. In the research article, the data obtained using UAV, in the form of: video, free flight mission, mission without a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signal, using oblique images and single pinpointed photography (oblique), were studied and then referred to typical photogrammetric missions with a measured photogrammetric ground control points (GCP). The analyses were performed in several variants (including and without GCPs), while the flight missions were also applied under various conditions, spectral ranges and stages of processing, as well as with various types of UAV. The final part comprises a discussion of the results and the conclusions of using UAVs in various conditions for rapid response purposes.

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