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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Marek Zygmunt

Tytuł: The problem of credibility studies on deformations of engineering objects in the geologically unstable area of Szczecin

Autor/Autorzy: Marek Zygmunt, Stefan Cacoń, Andrzej Piotrowski, Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: E3S Web of Conferences

Rok: 2018

kluczowe: deformations of engineering objects, unstable area, geological monitoring, geodesy engineering

Abstrakt: The location of reference points in deformation studies of engineering objects is often associated with low reliability of the obtained measurement results. This concerns the lack of proper diagnosis of the geological structure of the area. The reliability of deformation measurements is also low when we obtain data that only characterize the effects and not the cause-and-effects. The authors reviewed the influence of geological conditions on the formation of deformations of some engineering objects. The reference points were located in the immediate vicinity of the facilities, without taking into account the geological structure of the areas where the facilities were located. The proposed test method is based on a three-segment control and measurement system. An example of such considerations is the engineering facilities on the Grodzka and Ostrów Grabowski Island in the Szczecin area. The basic issue is to locate geologically stable areas in the vicinity of monitored engineering objects on the basis of geological substrate assessment and to analyse archival materials concerning periodical measurements of class 1 and 2 levelling lines in the Szczecin area. Reference points are located, which constitute the first segment of the control and measurement system. Subsequent segments of the system are organized with reference to the points of the first segment. This method provides reliable data on deformations of engineering objects.

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DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20187100018

Tytuł: A method for the determination of Inlandslide risks using a Digital Elevation Model created by Unmanned Aerial Systems with a hydrogeological data connection

Autor/Autorzy: Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski, Grzegorz Stępień, Marek Zygmunt, Roman Hałaburda, Kamil Borczyk

publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: UAS, DEM, DTM landslide, hydrogeological data, angle of internal friction, cohesion

Abstrakt: This article presents the problem of surveying landslide prone areas. Discussed are the possibility of using photogrammetry methods for digital imaging, creating Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of slope surface and combining these with the ground’s angle of internal friction, cohesion and hydrogeological data. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) with inclined high precision cameras show different slope angles than UASs with vertical cameras. Expressly, we can see places within the landslide area where the angle of internal friction and cohesion are low. These places are the most likely to suffer further mass movements causing fissures and ground displacements. In the observed landslide area we separated the steep parts of the slope, with low cohesion values, and the slight parts of the slope, with low values of angle of internal friction. In these different areas, landslides can evolve in different ways and at different speeds. The Factor of Safety (FS) was calculated for different types of area which allowed the probability of new mass movements to be checked for different areas. This method can be useful for C-B and X-Band PSI Interferometry Data. Because of the damage potentially incurred by landslides, there is a need to better understand these natural phenomena, especially their methods and speed of development and how they can be prevented from forming in the future.

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DOI: 10.17402/257

Tytuł: Determination of the influence of building mass on Landslide formation using unmanned aerial systems.

Autor/Autorzy: Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski, Marek Zygmunt, Grzegorz Stępień

publikacji: Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich - Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: aero triangulation, UAS, DSM, landslide, geological structure

Abstrakt: Following the torrential rain and floods that occurred between 1997 and 2010, there has been an emergence of new and previously activated processes related to soil and rock landslides in the Polish Carpathians. In light of the damage incurred by landslides, there is a problem with the thorough diagnosis of the nature of phenomena and thus the development of methods to prevent landslides in the future. This article discusses the problem of surveying landslide areas. It highlights the possibility of using photogrammetric methods for digital imaging, as well as determines the dimensions when estimating the mass of buildings within the area of a landslide, with particular emphasis on the use of an unmanned aerial system (UAS). The described method for obtaining processing images involves a non-metric camera mounted on a UAS. The designed projections centre on individual images and elements of angular orientation and the camera interior. This enables the creation and texturing of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) model. The final result in this work is a digital surface model (DSM) and an orthophotomap. It was found that characteristic land types have been occurring in the landslide substrate with key parameters determining their properties. This enabled the determination of a resistance ground border and provided an opportunity to examine whether a building of known mass may be the main cause of a landslide.

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DOI: 10.14597/infraeco.2017.4.2.122

Tytuł: Określanie przyczyn powstawania osuwisk w polskich Karpatach fliszowych w oparciu o obrazy lotnicze BSL

Autor/Autorzy: Marek Zygmunt, Józef Sanecki, Andrzej Klewski

publikacji: Czasopismo Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Architektury. Journal of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: aerotriangulation, DSM, geological structure, angle of internal friction, cohesion, TIN

Abstrakt: W artykule przedstawiono problematykę pomiarów geodezyjnych na terenach osuwiskowych w polskich Karpatach fliszowych. Wykorzystano metody fotogrametrii bliskiego zasięgu do cyfrowego obrazowania oraz określania wymiarów obszaru osuwiskowego za pomocą Bezzałogowych Systemów Latających (BSL). Badania wykonano na osuwisku położonym w miejscowości Węgierka, w gminie Roźwienica, w powiecie jarosławskim oraz na osuwisku położonym w miejscowości Rogi-Folwark w powiecie krośnieńskim. Wyznaczono środki rzutów poszczególnych zdjęć oraz elementy kątowej i wewnętrznej orientacji kamery. Umożliwiło to utworzenie modelu wysokościowego (TIN) osuwisk. Finalnym efektem było otrzymanie Numerycznego Modelu Pokrycia Terenu (NMPT) osuwiska z miejscowości Węgierka i ortofotomapy. Numeryczny Model Pokrycia Terenu osuwiska z oczkiem siatki 0,10 m pozwolił precyzyjnie określić położenie i wymiary budynków na obszarze osuwiska z miejscowości Węgierka. Nalot z kamerą wychyloną o 80° na osuwisku w miejscowości Rogi-Folwark ukazał ponadto miejsca o niskiej wartości kohezji i kąta tarcia wewnętrznego gruntu. Te obszary są najbardziej narażone na powstawanie w przyszłości dalszych ruchów masowych, powstawanie pęknięć i przesunięcia mas ziemnych. Obliczono dla nich Wskaźnik Bezpieczeństwa FS. Pozwolił on ustalić, w której części osuwiska prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia kolejnych ruchów masowych ziemi w przyszłości jest większe. Współczynnik bezpieczeństwa oszacowany dla obszarów o niskiej wartości spójności gruntów wyniósł 2,52, a o niskiej wartości kąta tarcia wewnętrznego 6,83. Najbardziej niebezpieczne są strome skarpy dodatkowo podcinane przez potoki – dolna aktywna część osuwiska o współczynniku 2,52. Bezpieczniejsze są środkowe części stoku, które są łagodnie nachylone – górna część osuwiska, Współczynnik bezpieczeństwa tej części wynosi 6,83.

The aticle present the problem of surveying on landslide areas in Polish flysch carpathians. We used close photogrammetry methods to digital imaging and determining area lanndslide dimensions using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). Research were done on landslide located in Węgierka village, in Roźwienica commune, in Jarosław district and on landslide located in RogiFolwark village in Krosno district. Described the method of processing images obtained measuring non-metric camera mounted on UAS. Designed projections centres of individual images and elements of angular orientation and interior camera. This enabled the creation and texturing of Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) models of landslides. The final result was to receive the Digital Surface Model (DSM) and ortophotomap landslide from Węgierka village. Digital Surface Model (DSM) landslide with eyelt mesh 0.10 m with big precision defined localisation and dimensions buildings on landslide from Węgierka village. Flight mission with inclined camera (80°) showed places with low cohesion and angle of internal friction value on landslide from Rogi-Folwark village. This places are the most exposed for further mass movements, fissure formation and ground displacements. For this areas Factor of Safety (FS) was calculated. It allowed to check in which area of landslide probability of new mass movements in the future is bigger.

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DOI: 10.7862/rb.2017.259

Tytuł: Complex Monitoring of Vertical Land Motions Corresponding to Geological Structure of Coastal and River Areas in Northwestern Poland

Autor/Autorzy: Marek Zygmunt, Ilona Garczyńska, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: MDPI

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: geological structure, precision levelling, vertical land movements, GNSS measurements

Abstrakt: This paper presents a study of vertical land movements conducted in northwestern Poland, covering the city of Szczecin. The land of Szczecin is made up of organic soils, covered in many places by water (lagoons, rivers, and lakes), which are susceptible to displacement; therefore, benchmarks in this area are susceptible to changes in height. The analysis of the geological structure of the near-surface layer of the Szczecin area, such as organic soils, sands, and clays, was carried out. The detailed recognition of geological structure in connection with height changes of benchmarks made it possible to locate stable benchmarks in the researched area. In the first step, the authors chose benchmarks in a stable geological structure based on archive data from the Polish Geodesy Documentation Center. In the second step, precise GNSS 3D measurements were performed in the direct vicinity of these benchmarks in order to verify their stability. Verified stations provided a reference for the reliable monitoring of the deformation of other surfaces resulting, for example, from changes in organic sediments. Existing and new engineering structures erected in the area of the Oder River Szczecin islands were selected for the final research of vertical land motions. Static GNSS observations were conducted in November 2020 and May 2021.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.3390/app12146914

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