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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Grzegorz Zaniewicz

Tytuł: Analysis of the Dynamic Height Distribution at the Estuary of the Odra River Based on Gravimetric Measurements Acquired with the Use of a Light Survey Boat—A Case Study

Autor/Autorzy: Krzysztof Pyrchla, Arkadiusz Tomczak, Grzegorz Zaniewicz, Jerzy Pyrchla, Paulina Kowalska

publikacji: SENSORS

Rok: 2020

kluczowe: gravity anomalies and earth structure, gravimetric river survey, Fourier analysis, numerical modelling, time-series analysis

Abstrakt: This article presents possible applications of a dynamic gravity meter (MGS-6, Micro-g LaCoste) for determining the dynamic height along the Odra River, in northwest Poland. The gravity measurement campaign described in this article was conducted on a small, hybrid-powered survey vessel (overall length: 9.5 m). We discuss a method for processing the results of gravimetric measurements performed on a mobile platform affected by strong external disturbances. Because measurement noise in most cases consists of signals caused by non-ideal observation conditions, careful attempts were made to analyze and eliminate the noise. Two different data processing strategies were implemented, one for a 20 Hz gravity data stream and another for a 1 Hz data stream. A comparison of the achieved results is presented. A height reference level, consistent for the entire estuary, is critical for the construction of a safe waterway system, including 3D navigation with the dynamic estimation of under-keel clearance on the Odra and other Polish rivers. The campaign was conducted in an area where the accuracy of measurements (levelling and gravimetric) is of key importance for shipping safety. The shores in the presented area of interest are swampy, so watercraft-based measurements are preferred. The method described in the article can be successfully applied to measurements in all near-zero-depth areas.

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DOI: 10.3390/s20216044

Tytuł: On-water video surveillance: data management for a ship identification system

Autor/Autorzy: Adrian Popik, Grzegorz Zaniewicz, Natalia Wawrzyniak

publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin-Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2019

kluczowe: video surveillance, cameras, image, processing, ship identification, River Information Services

Abstrakt: Video surveillance on both marine and inland waters still only plays a mainly auxiliary role in vessel traffic observation and management. The newest technical achievements in visual systems allow camera images to be used in more sophisticated tasks, such as automatic vessel recognition and identification in observed areas. With the use of deep learning algorithms and other artificial intelligence methods, such as rough sets and fuzzy sets, new functions can be designed and implemented in monitoring systems. In this paper the challenges that were encountered and the technology that has been developed in managing video streams are presented as well as the images needed for tests and proper operation of the designed Ship Recognition and Identification System (SHREC). The current technologies, typical setups and capabilities of cameras, with regard to existing on-water video monitoring systems, are also presented. The aspects of collecting the test data in the Szczecin Water Junction area are also described. The main part of the article focuses on presenting the video data pre-processing, storing and managing procedures that have been developed for the purposes of the SHREC system.

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DOI: 10.17402/372

Tytuł: Analysis of the accuracy of shoreline mapping in inland navigational charts (Inland ENC) using photogrammetric and sonar images

Autor/Autorzy: Jacek Łubczonek, Małgorzata Łącka, Grzegorz Zaniewicz

publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin-Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2019

kluczowe: photogrammetry, navigation chart, hydrography

Abstrakt:Shoreline mapping is one of the key stages in navigational charting. In terms of navigation, the shoreline marks the boundary of a river, which is often equivalent to the navigable water area. In cartographic terms, it is an important topological element between different objects that are adjacent to it. Currently, topographic objects are often mapped using photogrammetric materials obtained from various altitudes – satellite, airborne or low, which is associated with the use of an airborne UAV. Depending on the type of materials, the shoreline can be obtained in vector form with differing situational accuracy and differing degree of detail. In addition to the standard methods of processing vector data, the research in this paper also included the use of sonar images, enabling the detection of the shoreline with the use of a surveying hydrographic unit. On the basis of the collected photogrammetric and sonar images of different spatial resolution, an analysis of the accuracy of shoreline mapping was performed in terms of the situational accuracy and the level of detail in its representation. The results of the research provided the basis for the determination of dedicated remote sensing materials enabling the development of maps for inland navigation.

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DOI: 10.17402/335

Tytuł: Implementation of Voyage Assistant Module in Mobile Navigation System for Inland Waters

Autor/Autorzy: Witold Kazimierski, Grzegorz Zaniewicz, Tomasz Hyla

publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: Mobile navigation, Voyage Assistant Module, Inland Waters, Route Monitoring, Navigational Method, Inland ECDIS, Navigational Decision Support System (NDSS), River Information Service (RIS)

Abstrakt: Route monitoring is one of the most important functions in modern navigation systems. In case of marine merchant ship’s it usually part of IMO-standardized solutions like ECDIS or INS. In inland waters Inland ECDIS is implemented. There is however large group of ships which do not have to follow standardized solution, like recreational ships. The skippers of these boats more and more often are using mobile devices. The paper presents considerations on implementation of voyage assistant module in mobile navigation system in inland waters. Main problems are defined solutions for them are proposed. In general proposed approach is based on mobile cartography like in car navigation and derives also from water navigation systems. The verification research are described and commented.

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DOI: 10.12716/1001.11.04.15

Tytuł: Ocena przekazu kartograficznego mobilnej nawigacji śródlądowej MOBINAV

Autor/Autorzy: Izabela Bodus-Olkowska, Grzegorz Zaniewicz, Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka

publikacji: Roczniki Geomatyki [Annals of Geomatics]

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: nawigacja śródlądowa, nawigacja mobilna, mobilna kartografia, prezentacja kartograficzna

Abstrakt: Obecnie prawie codziennie każdy, kto posiada urządzenie typu smartphone, wspomaga się aplikacjami mapowymi, które we współpracy z wbudowanym modułem GPS umożliwiają łatwą lokalizację obiektów, wytyczenie trasy czy nawigowanie do celu. Aplikacja MOBINAV jest jedną z tego typu aplikacji, dedykowaną prowadzeniu nawigacji na wodach śródlądowych, w głównej mierze przez użytkowników rekreacyjnych. Przekaz kartograficzny aplikacji mobilnych jest dynamiczny i bardziej skomplikowany w porównaniu do tradycyjnego. Sama mapa zmienia się pod wpływem czynników zależnych od użytkownika i jego wymagań lub/oraz pod wpływem zdarzeń generowanych w trakcie realizacji nawigacji. Autorzy systemu MOBINAV opracowali model kartograficzny opierając się na dostępnych rozwiązaniach wprowadzonych w nawigacjach samochodowych lub pieszych oraz biorąc pod uwagę wymagania użytkowników, otrzymane na podstawie stosownej ankiety. Model ten zakłada 2 prezentacje kartograficzne ze względu na rodzaj urządzenia: smartphone/tablet oraz HUD. Na pierwszych prezentowana jest mapa wraz z wszystkimi jej komponentami, natomiast wizualizacja dla HUD zawiera elementy trasy jako główną treść przekazu kartograficznego. Pod pojęciem przekazu kartograficznego systemu MOBINAV należy rozumieć logikę treści, czyli dobór elementów składających się na treść mapy (geokompozycja) dla konkretnego przypadku użycia i w odpowiedniej skali oraz logika systemu znaków i symboli, czyli stylizacja mapy – doborem kolorów poszczególnych obiektów, projektem systemu znaków i symboli reprezentujących obiekty punktowe, przy zachowaniu zasady izomorfizmu treści i postaci. Efektywność, funkcjonalność i użyteczność przekazu kartograficznego systemu MOBINAV poddana została weryfikacji przez potencjalnych użytkowników aplikacji za pomocą ankiety internetowej. Wyniki ankiety pozwoliły na dokonanie pełnej oceny, wyciągnięcie wniosków oraz zaplanowanie dalszych prac nad rozwojem i udoskonaleniem aspektów aplikacji związanych z przekazem kartograficznym.

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Tytuł: Integrated presentation of navigational data in a moblie navigation system for inland waters with the use of HUD

Autor/Autorzy: Witold Kazimierski, Grzegorz Zaniewicz, Izabela Bodus-Olkowska

publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: inland navigation, mobile navigation, mobile cartography, HUD, navigation systems, data

Abstrakt: Mobile devices are increasingly popular among recreational water users and for navigational purposes. Making full use of the possibilities they offer requires a navigational system to be designed and built for mobile devices which make use of mobile cartography. A dynamically adaptive mobile presentation model offering various display possibilities may be an appropriate example of such a system. The navigational purpose of the system, however, requires that the main navigational data presented are integrated in one place, in a so-called conning display. These data should be easily accessible to the user, which is not always the case with mobile devices. The idea of using a Head-Up Display (HUD) as a conning display in a mobile navigation system arose from these considerations. The current paper presents research on implementing a HUD into a mobile system. First, the idea of mobile cartographic presentation is discussed, then the navigational data available in the system are presented. Finally, the concept of using a HUD is explained, a HUD presentation model is shown and technical aspects of HUD integration are described.

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DOI: 10.17402/203

Tytuł: Integration of Spatial Data From External Sensors in the Mobile Naviagtion System for Inland Shipping

Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Zaniewicz, Witold Kazimierski, Izabela Bodus-Olkowska

publikacji: Baltic Geodetic Congress (Geomatics)

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: mobile cartography, inland navigation, sensors integration

Abstrakt: The popularity of mobile devices is growing also in the field of water navigation. One of the disadvantages of them however is lack of hardware possibilities for direct connection of external sensors. The paper provides discussion on the possibilities of external sensors using in mobile navigation system for inland shipping. The analysis of data and sensors availability in this filed is followed with data model definition. Then various possibilities of integration of spatial data in the system are presented, including typical for GIS, geoinformatic web services approach.

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DOI: 10.1109/BGC.Geomatics.2016.37


Autor/Autorzy: Izabela Bodus-Olkowska, Witold Kazimierski, Grzegorz Zaniewicz

publikacji: Baltic Geodetic Congress (Geomatics)

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: geographic information systems, marine navigation, data integration

Abstrakt: Mobile navigation systems are being used more and more common in marine and inland navigation these times. Usefulness of presented information relies strongly on cartographic aspects of presentation. The paper presents research on designing model of mobile cartographic presentation dedicated for mobile inland water navigation system. The model itself is presented, as well as user-centered approach for presentation designing. Theoretical aspects of the model and statistical research on user needs are followed by research results in practical implementation.

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DOI: 10.1109/BGC.Geomatics.2016.44

Tytuł: Detecting small moving underwater objects using scanning sonar inwaterside surveillance and complex security solutions

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Grzegorz Zaniewicz

publikacji: Proceedings of International Radar Symposium 2016

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: scanning sonar, underwater imaging, sonar tracking

Abstrakt: In this paper authors present the research on capabilities of high-frequency scanning sonar in detecting small moving underwater targets. The state of the art on sonar technologies used in port security systems is described together with MSIS characteristics and its applications. The series of tests were carried in real conditions of security systems (port areas). Influence of scanning parameters (signal gain, beam range, scanning speed, TVG correction) on the object detection was tested. The relations between signals characteristics, image quality (resolution, bit depth) and object detection capability was determined.

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DOI: 10.1109/IRS.2016.7497285

Tytuł: Mobile River Navigation for Smart Cities

Autor/Autorzy: Witold Kazimierski, Natalia Wawrzyniak, Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka, Tomasz Hyla, Izabela Bodus-Olkowska, Grzegorz Zaniewicz

publikacji: Rozdział w książce Springer

Rok: 2019

kluczowe: Mobile GIS, Mobile navigation, Smart rivers, Smart cities

Abstrakt: One of the main aspects of smart city is smart mobility, covering mainly smart transport solutions for users. On the other hand smart living includes also touristic attractiveness of the city and its information systems. The paper presents a mobile solution, which integrate both – supporting of smart transportation and touristic needs of the users. It is a system of mobile navigation for inland waters. The concept of the system is presented, followed by the methodological aspects of its designing and implementation. The mobility of system is presented in various aspects (spatial data integration, cartographic model and spatial analysis and implementation issues). Although the system may be independent technology, it is shown from the point of view of possible integration in wider smart city concept. In such approach the functional possibilities of the system are increased and smart city implementation may be also enhanced.

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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30275-7_45

Tytuł: The Concept of Anti-Colision System for Underwater Vehicles Based on Forward Looking Sonar

Autor/Autorzy: Witold Kazimierski, Grzegorz Zaniewicz

publikacji: Rozdział w książce , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Rok: 2018

kluczowe: unmanned underwater vehicles, sonar detection, image processing

Abstrakt: In this paper authors analyze the possibilities of using forward looking sonar in the process of using it in an anti-collision system designed for underwater unmanned vehicles. Existing hardware solutions and data processing have been presented. The sonar image processing process has been analyzed. The concept of the model with the use of the decision support system with conclusions has been presented.

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DOI: 10.1109/BGC-Geomatics.2018.00067

Tytuł: Hydrographic imaging for underwater environment modelling

Autor/Autorzy: Izabela Bodus-Olkowska, Natalia Wawrzyniak

publikacji: Rozdział w książce, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: Sonar, Data visualisation, Magnetometers, Magnetic Fields, Data models

Abstrakt: The article presents the research on hydrographic data integration for the purpose of environment modelling. The approach taken by the authors assumes three basic sources of underwater information: sonar images, bathymetric grid and contour map of magnetic anomaly derived from hydrographic surveys conducted in marine waters. The article discusses the characteristics of each set of data and presents the hierarchical model of proposed integration. The process of integration is discussed together with some issues related to input data resolution. Obtained results are presented in a form of a 3D visualization model.

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DOI: 10.23919/IRS.2017.8008211

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