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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Natalia Wawrzyniak

Tytuł: On-water video surveillance: data management for a ship identification system

Autor/Autorzy: Adrian Popik, Grzegorz Zaniewicz, Natalia Wawrzyniak

publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin-Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2019

kluczowe: video surveillance, cameras, image, processing, ship identification, River Information Services

Abstrakt: Video surveillance on both marine and inland waters still only plays a mainly auxiliary role in vessel traffic observation and management. The newest technical achievements in visual systems allow camera images to be used in more sophisticated tasks, such as automatic vessel recognition and identification in observed areas. With the use of deep learning algorithms and other artificial intelligence methods, such as rough sets and fuzzy sets, new functions can be designed and implemented in monitoring systems. In this paper the challenges that were encountered and the technology that has been developed in managing video streams are presented as well as the images needed for tests and proper operation of the designed Ship Recognition and Identification System (SHREC). The current technologies, typical setups and capabilities of cameras, with regard to existing on-water video monitoring systems, are also presented. The aspects of collecting the test data in the Szczecin Water Junction area are also described. The main part of the article focuses on presenting the video data pre-processing, storing and managing procedures that have been developed for the purposes of the SHREC system.

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DOI: 10.17402/372

Tytuł: Vessel Detection and Tracking Method Based on Video Surveillance

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Tomasz Hyla, Adrian Popik

publikacji: SENSORS

Rok: 2019

kluczowe: vessel detection, video monitoring, inland waterway, real-time detection

Abstrakt: Ship detection and tracking is a basic task in any vessel traffic monitored area, whether marine or inland. It has a major impact on navigational safety and thus different systems and technologies are used to determine the best possible methods of detecting and identifying sailing units. Video monitoring is present in almost all of them, but it is usually operated manually and is used as a backup system. This is because of the difficulties in implementing an efficient and universal automatic detection method that would work in quickly alternating environmental conditions for all kind of sailing units—from kayaks to seagoing merchant vessels. This paper presents a method that allows the detection and tracking of ships using the video streams of existing monitoring systems for ports and rivers. The method and the results of experiments on three sets of data using cameras with different characteristics, settings, and scene locations are presented. The experiments were carried out in variable light and weather conditions, and a wide range of unit types were used as detection objectives. The results confirm the usability of the proposed solution; however, some minor issues were.

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DOI: 10.3390/s19235230

Tytuł: Ships detection on inland waters using video surveillance system

Autor/Autorzy: Tomasz Hyla, Natalia Wawrzyniak

publikacji: Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Rok: 2019

kluczowe: Video surveillance, Ship detection, Inland waterway, Dynamic background, Real-time detection

Abstrakt: The video surveillance is used to monitor ships in order to ensure safety on waterways. The ships detection is a first step in a ship automatic identification process based on video streams. The paper presents a new algorithm for ships detection on inland waterways. The algorithm must detect moving ships of all kinds, including leisure craft, that are visible on a video stream and is designed to work for stationary cameras. Furthermore, it only requires an access to video streams from existing monitoring systems without any additional hardware or special configuration of cameras. The algorithm works in variable lightning conditions and with slight changes of background. In the paper, the test application implementing the algorithm is presented together with a series of experimental results showing the algorithm quality depending on different parameters’ sets. The main purpose of the tests was to find the optimal set of twelve parameters that will become the default setting. All moving ships, including small boats and kayaks, must be detected, which is the main difference from existing solutions that mostly focus on detection of only one vessel type. In the proposed algorithm, all objects that are moving on water are detected and then non-ships are eliminated by usage of some logic rules and excluding additional image processing methods.

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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-28957-7_4

Tytuł: Interpolating Bathymetric Big Data for an Inland Mobile Navigation System

Autor/Autorzy: Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka, Natalia Wawrzyniak

publikacji: Information Technology and Control

Rok: 2018

kluczowe: bathymetric data, interpolation method, maritime information systems, mobile systems

Abstrakt: Depth information is crucial in most navigational analysis and decision support implemented in existing inland navigation systems. Bathymetric data sets need to be preprocessed and converted into Digital Terrain Model (DTM) by interpolation methods to provide different vector layers for Electronic Navigational Chart. Data for inland waters need to be precise and valid due to quickly alternating inland environment and much shallower areas than on marine waters. At the same, time visual effect of created layers needs to be readable and easily interpreted by a navigator. In this paper, we analyse and assess the results obtained after using several interpolation methods for DTM building. The experiments used real inland data from bathymetric surveys conducted on the waters of Szczecin area. The main novelty of the research is the use of generally known interpolation algorithms during processing of bathymetric big data, which are the primary layer in new mobile system for inland navigation. The created depth contours are the base of navigational analysis provided by the mobile inland navigation system MOBINAV.

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DOI: 10.5755/j01.itc.47.2.19561

Tytuł: MSIS Image Positioning in Port Areas with the Aid of Comparative Navigation Methods

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Andrzej Stateczny

publikacji: Polish Maritime Research

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: sonar imaging, MSIS sonar, comparison methods, image simulation

Abstrakt: The article presents a method to determine the position of mechanically scanned sonar images by comparing them with the database of simulated synthetic images. The synthetic images are generated from high-density bathymetric data coming from the same fragment of water region, using the ray tracing method. The article discusses the issues related to the choice of the probability function as the method of image comparing which allows to find the correct georeference of the real image. For the correlation method and the logical conjunction method, which are believed to give the best results, detailed studies were performed, including boundary cases. The obtained results of matching are presented in tabular and graphic form.

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DOI: 10.1515/pomr-2017-0004

Tytuł: Application of Geofencing Technology for the Purpose of Spatial Analyses in Inland Mobile Navigation

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Tomasz Hyla

publikacji: Proceedings 2016 Baltic Geodetic Congress (Geomatics)

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: mobile navigation, marine navigation, geospatial analysis, hazardous areas

Abstrakt: In this paper we analyze geofencing technology in inland mobile navigation systems. We describe implementation issues related to proximity analysis used for safety and informational purposes with the usage of geofences. This includes generation of warnings and alarm messages when approaching to navigational hazards. Characteristics of spatial data management in mobile on-water navigation systems are presented. Advantages and disadvantages of applying geofencing technology in spatial analyses are described. Also, we present a case scenario which showcases the benefits of performing automated analyses to mobile user.

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DOI: 10.1109/BGC.Geomatics.2016.15

Tytuł: Detecting small moving underwater objects using scanning sonar inwaterside surveillance and complex security solutions

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Grzegorz Zaniewicz

publikacji: Proceedings of International Radar Symposium 2016

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: scanning sonar, underwater imaging, sonar tracking

Abstrakt: In this paper authors present the research on capabilities of high-frequency scanning sonar in detecting small moving underwater targets. The state of the art on sonar technologies used in port security systems is described together with MSIS characteristics and its applications. The series of tests were carried in real conditions of security systems (port areas). Influence of scanning parameters (signal gain, beam range, scanning speed, TVG correction) on the object detection was tested. The relations between signals characteristics, image quality (resolution, bit depth) and object detection capability was determined.

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DOI: 10.1109/IRS.2016.7497285

Tytuł: Analiza możliwości integracji danych rastrowych w śródlądowym mobilnym systemie nawigacji nawodnej

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Witold Kazimierski

publikacji: Roczniki Geomatyki [Annals of Geomatics]

Rok: 2016

kluczowe: dane rastrowe, nawigacja śródlądowa, systemy mobilne

Abstrakt: W powszechnie stosowanych statkowych systemach nawigacyjnych prezentujących informację przestrzenną, kluczową rolę pełnią dane wektorowe. Profesjonalne systemy typu ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System), czy też jego śródlądowy odpowiednik InlandECDIS wykorzystują do prezentacji danych geograficznych elektroniczne mapy nawigacyjne w standardach ENC oraz InlandENC, które są całkowicie wektorowymi bazami danych. Z drugiej strony lądowi użytkownicy rekreacyjni przyzwyczajeni są do różnego rodzaju geoportali, czy serwisów przedstawiających informacje przestrzenne w postaci ortofotomap lub podkładów rastrowych. W aspekcie wykorzystania nowoczesnych systemów mobilnych dla śródlądowych użytkowników rekreacyjnych, szczególnie istotne jest więc zapewnienie możliwości integracji danych rastrowych na ekranie. Wyświetlenie ortofotomapy jako danych podkładowych i nałożenie na nią warstw wektorowych wraz z IENC przy zachowaniu odpowiedniej przezroczystości może zaowocować czytelnym dla każdego, nawet niedoświadczonego, użytkownika obrazem zawierającym wiele elementów treści. Problematyczne kwestie w procesie zarządzania danymi rastrowymi w systemie, to zapewnienie dostępu do danych, a więc łączności i możliwości pozyskania ich z poszczególnych usług sieciowych typu WMS lub WCS. Alternatywnym podejściem jest pozyskanie warstw rastrowych (głównie zdjęć lotniczych) z ośrodka geodezyjnego i przechowywanie na dysku urządzenia/ karcie. Termin „zarządzanie” oznacza w tym wypadku pozyskiwanie, transformację, konwersję, integrację oraz przygotowanie danych do wizualizacji zgodnej z przyjętym modelem kartograficznym. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań nad możliwością integracji danych rastrowych w systemie Mobilnej nawigacji śródlądowej. Badaniami zostały objęte oba warianty. W pierwszym, po szczegółowym przeanalizowaniu architektury usługi wraz z jej dostępnymi interfejsami, zaproponowano algorytm podłączania i obsługi WMS w formie warstwy rastrowej dla dwóch trybów działania aplikacji – trybu przeglądania mapy oraz trybu nawigacyjnego. W drugim skupiono się na analizie możliwości wykorzystania własnych mapowych danych rastrowych i sposobach ich zarządzania oraz udostępniania użytkownikom. Analizowano przechowywanie ortofotomap w oryginalnych rozmiarach i rozdzielczości, po przekształceniu jako seria kafelek pokrywająca określony obszar ( np. komórka mapy ) oraz jako małe wycinki wizualizujące jedynie obszary o interesującej infrastrukturze lub treści. Ostatecznie przyjęto rozwiązanie polegające na przechowywaniu i udostępnianiu mapowych obrazów rastrowych jedynie dla ograniczonych przestrzennie obszarów reprezentujących ciekawe lub ważne ( z punktu widzenia użytkownika) regiony, które z jakichś powodów nie są wystarczająco reprezentowane za pomocą danych wektorowych. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki analiz oraz szczegóły przyjętego rozwiązania.

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Tytuł: Mobile River Navigation for Smart Cities

Autor/Autorzy: Witold Kazimierski, Natalia Wawrzyniak, Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka, Tomasz Hyla, Izabela Bodus-Olkowska, Grzegorz Zaniewicz

publikacji: Rozdział w książce Springer

Rok: 2019

kluczowe: Mobile GIS, Mobile navigation, Smart rivers, Smart cities

Abstrakt: One of the main aspects of smart city is smart mobility, covering mainly smart transport solutions for users. On the other hand smart living includes also touristic attractiveness of the city and its information systems. The paper presents a mobile solution, which integrate both – supporting of smart transportation and touristic needs of the users. It is a system of mobile navigation for inland waters. The concept of the system is presented, followed by the methodological aspects of its designing and implementation. The mobility of system is presented in various aspects (spatial data integration, cartographic model and spatial analysis and implementation issues). Although the system may be independent technology, it is shown from the point of view of possible integration in wider smart city concept. In such approach the functional possibilities of the system are increased and smart city implementation may be also enhanced.

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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30275-7_45

Tytuł: Automatic Ship Detection on Inland Waters: Problems and a Preliminary Solution

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Tomasz Hyla

publikacji: Rozdział w książce, International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARA)

Rok: 2019

kluczowe: ship, video surveillance, detection, fixed camera

Abstrakt: Marine ship traffic is usually monitored using a combination of Automatic Identification System (AIS) and radar networks. Video monitoring is often used to control vessel traffic on rivers, in ports, and other restricted areas. Despite the many means used, the task of automatic detection and identification of vessels on inland waters is not trivial. In this paper, the problem of automatic ship detection using the video surveillance system is analyzed and discussed primarily in the context of systems’ performance. In the proposed solution, we assume that detection uses only video streams from the existing monitoring system without any additional hardware or special configuration or placement of cameras. In addition, the detection must work in real time and the system must detect all moving vessels, including small boats and kayaks. The main contributions of this work consist in presenting the results from several performance tests using different background subtraction algorithms as well as discussing problems that make moving vessels difficult to detect.

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Tytuł: Hydrographic Survey Data Model for the Purpose of Inter-System Exchange

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Grzegorz Zaniewicz

publikacji: Rozdział w książce, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: data models, sea measurement, underwater technology

Abstrakt: In this paper authors analyze different sets of data that are used, created or transformed during hydrographic survey to propose a logic, unified and open data model, that can be used to exchange information between different systems. Existing standards and formats in hydrography are also presented. Object data modeling and XML technology for data transfer are described. The model itself and real data mapping of exemplary survey systems into a model are shown together with conclusions.

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DOI: 10.1109/BGC.Geomatics.2017.76

Tytuł:Problem of Bathymetric Big Data Interpolation for Inland Mobile Navigation System

Autor/Autorzy: Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka, Natalia Wawrzyniak

publikacji: Rozdział w książce, Springer

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: Bathymetric data, Interpolation method, Maritime information systems, Mobile systems

Abstrakt: Depth information is crucial in most navigational analysis and decision support implemented in existing inland navigation systems. Bathymetric data sets needs to be preprocessed and converted into Digital Terrain Model by interpolation methods to provide different vector layer for Electronic Navigational Chart. Data for inland waters needs to be precise and valid due to quickly alternating inland environment and much shallower areas than on marine waters. At the same time visual effect of created layers needs to be readable and easily interpreted by a navigator. In this paper authors analyze different interpolation method for DTM building from the perspective of accepted criteria. Created depth contours are the base of navigational analysis provided by mobile inland navigation system MOBINAV. The experiments used real inland data from bathymetric surveys conducted on waters of Szczecin area.

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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67642-5_51

Tytuł:MSIS sonar image segmentation method based on underwater viewshed analysis and high-density seabed model

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Wawrzyniak, Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka, Andrzej Stateczny

publikacji: Rozdział w książce, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: Sonar, Sonar navigation, Transducers, Acoustic beams, Sea surface, Image segmentation

Abstrakt: High resolution images of Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonars can bring detailed representation of underwater area if favorable conditions for acoustic signal to propagate are provided. However to properly asses underwater situation based solely on such data can be challenging for less than proficient interpreter. In this paper we propose a method to enhance interpretative potential of MSIS image by dividing it in to subareas depending on information about slope gradient and direction derived from high-density bathymetric model using viewshed analysis. Additional image channel is created to store data on adherence of sonar data into each class representing different information related to sea bed shape. The paper also contains details on segmentation algorithm using traditional image processing method.

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DOI: 10.23919/IRS.2017.8008210

Tytuł: Hydrographic imaging for underwater environment modelling

Autor/Autorzy: Izabela Bodus-Olkowska, Natalia Wawrzyniak

publikacji: Rozdział w książce, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Rok: 2017

kluczowe: Sonar, Data visualisation, Magnetometers, Magnetic Fields, Data models

Abstrakt: The article presents the research on hydrographic data integration for the purpose of environment modelling. The approach taken by the authors assumes three basic sources of underwater information: sonar images, bathymetric grid and contour map of magnetic anomaly derived from hydrographic surveys conducted in marine waters. The article discusses the characteristics of each set of data and presents the hierarchical model of proposed integration. The process of integration is discussed together with some issues related to input data resolution. Obtained results are presented in a form of a 3D visualization model.

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DOI: 10.23919/IRS.2017.8008211

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