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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Marcin Przywarty

Tytuł monografii: Safety of Navigation in Restricted Areas, Methods of Risk Estimation and Analysis

Autor/Autorzy: Andrzej Bąk, Stanisław Gucma,  Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Springer, Syntetic Lectures on Ocean Systems Engineering

Rok: 2024

Słowa kluczowe: navigation, risk, safety, waterways restricted areas risk estimation
Abstrakt: -

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ISSN 2692-4420

ISBN 978-3-031-49531-1

Tytuł: Simulation Tests of the Passing Distance of Ships on a Two-Way Fairway

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Jarosław Artyszuk, Rafał Gralak, Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences-Basel 2023 , vol. 13 (2); pp. 920

Rok: 2023

Słowa kluczowe: passing distance; safety of navigation; design of waterways; full-mission ship simulator; maritime traffic engineering; safe maneuvering area; two-way fairway

Abstrakt publikacji: One of the components necessary to determine the width of a safe maneuvering area on two-way fairways is a safe passing distance. Existing methods do not consider modern model studies of interactions between passing vessels, additionally, they ignore the influence of the vessel’s position accuracy and navigators’ qualifications. This paper presents a method to determine the passing distance, which is free of the drawbacks of the methods used so far. The proposed method is based on simulation research carried out using an FMBS-type (Full Mission Bridge) simulator. The tests were carried out for three loaded vessels (bulk carrier, tanker, and sea ferry), on four sections of the fairway with different parameters and aids-to-navigation available. The results obtained allowed the modification of the authors’ previous, but still widely used, deterministic–probabilistic MTE (Marine Traffic Engineering) method for determining the width of a safe maneuvering area.

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DOI: 10.3390/app13020920

Tytuł: Generalized Method for Determining the Width of a Safe Maneuvering Area for Bulk Carriers at Waterway Bends

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Sustainability 2022 , vol. 14 (11); pp. 6706

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: maritime transport routes; safety of navigation; maritime transport; design of waterways; marine simulation; full-mission ship simulator; maritime traffic engineering; safe maneuvering area; safe operation of the ship; navigational risk

Abstrakt publikacji: There are a number of empirical methods for determining the width of safe maneuvering areas for ships on waterways. These methods are relatively accurate for straight sections of waterways and less accurate for curves of the waterways. When designing waterways in detail or determining the conditions for their safe operation, more accurate methods (e.g., simulations) are used. However, such studies require relatively large expenditure involving the construction of simulation models of various vessels and water areas, and conducting a real-time simulation experiment with a sufficiently large number of maneuvers performed by highly qualified navigators (pilots, captains). This study deals with the problem of determining the width of safe maneuvering areas of ships on the bends of the waterway based on the results of simulation studies. A new empirical method was developed to determine the width of safe maneuvering areas of loaded bulk carriers passing through fairway bends under deteriorated hydro-meteorological conditions. The method was developed on the basis of a generalization of the results of many simulation experiments carried out at various stages of the Świnoujście–Szczecin fairway reconstruction and a determination of the safe operating conditions for ships passing through the fairway.

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Tytuł: Maximum Safe Parameters of Ships in Complex Systems of Port Waterways

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Maciej Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences, vol 12(15)2022, pp.7692

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: maritime transport routes; safety of navigation; maritime transport; design of waterways; marine simulation; full-mission ship simulator; maritime traffic engineering; safe maneuvering area; safe operation of the ship; navigational risk

Abstrakt publikacji: Context: From the perspective of marine traffic engineering, a system of port waterways is composed of a set of waterways (port areas), such as approach channels, port entrance, inner fairways (port channels, rivers, lakes), turning basins and port basins of various terminals. The sea waterway must be adjusted to the navigation of specific types of ships, characterized by length, breadth, draft and airdraft. The primary requirement for shipping in sea waterways is the safety of navigation. Each sea waterway has traffic restrictions for the ships using it. These restrictions are called conditions of sea waterway operation or conditions of ship operation in the sea waterway. Problem: There are a number of empirical, deterministic or probabilistic methods to determine the safe width of maneuvering areas on port waterways. The direct application of empirical methods to determine the conditions for the safe operation of ships on the complex waterway, such as the Świnoujście–Szczecin fairway, was impossible due to the complexity of the waterway and various restrictions on its individual parts. Method: The paper presents the assumptions and calculation procedure of a method allowing for the determination of maximum safe parameters of ships in existing complex waterways. Results: The proposed method was used in the preparation of port regulations for the dredged and widened Świnoujście–Szczecin waterway. The results of these calculations are presented as a practical application of the method. Conclusions: This article defines conditions for the safe operation of ships in complex port waterways systems and presents the methodology for determining maximum safe parameters of ships in existing complex port waterways systems.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Maximum Safe Parameters of Ships in Complex Systems of Port Waterways (



Tytuł: Maximum Safe Parameters of Outbound Loaded Vessels for Wind Turbine Installation

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Marcin Przywarty, Wojciech Ślączka

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences, vol 12(8)2022, pp.3868

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: maritime traffic engineering; safe maneuvering area; wind turbine installation vessel

Abstrakt publikacji: A paper presents problems related to the safe operation of wind turbine installation vessels in port waterways. It presents a developed method for determining maximum safe lengths of blades of wind turbines loaded transversely on a jack-up vessel leaving a given port. In this method, the safety criterion for navigation is the acceptable risk of accidents, whose scenarios are determined by the identification of hazards in the studied waterway. Based on this safety criterion, the confidence level of the width of the safe maneuvering area of the loaded jack-up vessel and the maximum safe lengths of the transversely loaded wind turbine blades, respectively, are determined.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Maximum Safe Parameters of Outbound Loaded Vessels for Wind Turbine Installation (



Tytuł: South Baltic Oil Spill Response Project (SBOIL)—Development and Implementation of Models of Drift and Fall Trajectories of Biogenic Oil Binders

Autor/Autorzy: Fokke Saathoff, Marcus Siewert, Marcin Przywarty, Mateusz Bilewski, Bartosz Muczyński, Marko Perkovič, Lucjan Gucma

Miejsce publikacji: Sustainability

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: oil spills, marine pollution, biogenicoil binder, oil recovery system

Abstrakt: This paper presents the methodology, assumptions, and functionalities of an application developed during the realization of the project “South Baltic Oil Spill Response through Clean-up with Biogenic Oil Binders” (SBOIL). The SBOIL project is a continuation of the BioBind project, the primary goal of which was to develop and deploy an oil recovery system designed for use in coastal waters and adverse weather conditions. The goal of the SBOIL project was to use this new technology to improve the current response capabilities for cross-border oil spills. The developed
application allows for the determination of the position of an aircraft at the time of dropping the oil binders, the determination of the oil binders’ position after falling in terms of a specific aircraft’s position, the determination of the position of oil binders after a certain time in order to plan the action of recovering it from the water surface, and the determination of the time when the binders will be in their assumed position.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst 

DOI: 10.3390/su13179889

Tytuł: Improving Ship Maneuvering Safety with Augmented Virtuality Navigation Information Displays

Autor/Autorzy: Rafał Gralak, Bartosz Muczyński, Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences-Basel

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: augmented virtuality, decision support system, marine simulation, MASS, safety of navigation

Abstrakt: The paper presents the results of a study on improving the safety of navigation, during maneuvers in restricted areas, with the use of an augmented virtuality navigation information display. The augmented virtuality solution has been developed by one of the authors and has been described in a previous paper. A set of simulation scenarios has been proposed to study various maneuvers with different types of ships. Models of existing areas and existing ships have been used so the study can be recreated and reevaluated with different types of interfaces. The study is focused on comparing safe maneuvering areas with different information sources used. The results showed that augmented virtuality solution can indeed decrease the safe maneuvering areas and thus increase the safety of navigation for maneuvers in restricted areas.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst 

DOI: 10.3390/app11167663

Tytuł: Factors Influencing the Action Point of the Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre

Autor/Autorzy: Marcin Przywarty, Renata Boć, Brcko Tanja, Marco Percovic

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences-Basel

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: ARPA, Automatic Identification System (AIS), closest point of approach, collision avoidance, safety of navigation

Abstrakt: Perhaps the most problematic issue regarding navigation safety management is the unknown, or unknowable, is the navigator’s decision made in the face of a dangerous situation. This applies particularly to collision-avoidance. The aim of the article is to identify factors that influence the moment of decision during a collision-avoidance manoeuvre and to define theoretical distributions that can be used during modelling of a navigator’s behaviour. The applicable research was divided into two stages. In the first, the distance between ships and the time to closest point of approach (TCPA) were analysed. In the second, the influence of the size of the target ships and relative speed were investigated. The advantage of the paper is its use of actual observations collected in real situations. The proposed approach allows for a better understanding of the navigator’s actual decision-making, which will be instructive in measures taken to improve navigational safety.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.3390/app11167299

Tytuł: Dimensioning of Fairway Bends—Kinematic Method of Numerical Simulation

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Marcin Przywarty, Jan Dzwonkowski, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: manoeuvring safety; safe manoeuvring area; dimensioning of fairway bends

Abstrakt: The article presents a new kinematic method of numerical simulation intended for establishingdimensions of safe manoeuvring areas of bends in various types of fairways for vessels of specificparameters. The method consists of multiple numerical simulations of a ship’s passage (ship’s centre ofgravity) through a bend, representing the entire physically possible movement of the ship, and an analysisof simulation results. The developed method was verified on the bends of the ́Swinouj ́scie–Szczecinfairway, by comparing the results to the exact simulation method of a ship’s movements. The relativelyhigh accuracy and low costs of the method allow it to be used in a concept design of built or modernwaterway systems.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.3390/jmse8020138


Tytuł: Kinematic Method of Determining Safe Fairway Bend Widths

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Marcin Przywarty, Jan Dzwonkowski

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: maritime traffic engineering, safe fairway, fairway, Full Mission Bridge Simulator (FMBS), PIANC, kinematic model of ship movement, rate of turn (ROT)

Abstrakt: This article presents a dedicated kinematic method of determining a safe fairway bend width with a specific turn angle and arc radius as the function of ship parameters and prevailing navigational conditions on the fairway. The assumed approach takes into consideration monoeuvring and navigational components of the safe fairway bend width. The method is based on an analysis of the results of numerical tests conducted on a model representing all physically possible movements of ship’s centre of gravity in the bend. The developed method was initially verified on the Ińskie bend, part of the Świnoujście-Szczecin fairway.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.12716/1001.14.02.22 

Tytuł: Conditions for the location of a universal LNG tanker berth designed for the port of Świnoujście

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Maciej Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Marcin Przywarty, Bartosz Muczyński

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: universal LNG discharge berth, waterway optimization simulation method

Abstrakt: This article describes the methodology to design a universal berth for LNG discharge from tankers with a wide cargo capacity range of 500 m3 to 220,000 m3. Based on a waterway optimization simulation, the methodology has been used to determine parameters of the designed universal cargo handling berth located in the port of Świnoujście.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.17402/326

Tytuł: Risk of grounding by a ship passing a fairway - Simulation method of navigational risk estimation in emergency situations

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Marcin Przywarty, Wojciech Ślączka, Rafał Gralak

Miejsce publikacji: European Navigation Conference, ENC 2019/ IEEE

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: risk estimation, safety of navigation, marine simulation, marine traffic engineering

Abstrakt: The article presents a simulation method for estimating the risk of grounding of a ship passing along the fairway in emergency situations This method consists in the determination of accident probability and utilizes a specially designed simulation experiment involving rudder jamming or engine blackout during ship passage along a dredged fairway. The method was used for risk assessment referring to grounding by an LNG tanker in the approach channel to the port of Swinoujście.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.1109/EURONAV.2019.8714146

Tytuł monografii: Slow steaming of container carriers. A study.

Autor/Autorzy: Tadeusz Borkowski, Przemysław Kowalak, Bogusz Wiśnicki, Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Maritime University of Szczecin Press

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: slow steaming, Energy Efficiency Design Index, operation of container carriers

Abstrakt: The book introduces the reader to the issue of maritime transport and its impact on the environment. While waterways are now an efficient and cost-effective supply system driving economic development, they also have negative effects on nature, causing climate change and the destruction of natural habitats at a global level. The authors focus on the concept of slow steaming, which assumes that the ship moves at a speed lower than the maximum speed, which is dictated by economic considerations, as the ship uses less fuel when operating the engine under a lower load. Ship speed reduction is considerated as the easiest way to reduce operating costs. The paper discusses not only the regulations and procedures for the prevention of ecosystem pollution, but also presents experimental data measured on ships during sea operations - exhaust emissions or energy indicators, and analyzes and comparisons of measurement results.

ISBN: 9788364434242

Tytuł: Simulation methods for determining the conditions of safe ship operations on port waterways

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Maciej Gucma, Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: port technology, ship operation, sea waterways, port waterways, safe ship operation, safe maneuvering areas

Abstrakt: Simulation methods for determining the conditions of safe ships operations on existing port waterways. Examples of application of these methods concerning detailed solutions such as: increasing the maximum parameters of ships on a given waterway, changing permissible hydrometeorological conditions (eg increasing the permissible wind speed or current), determining the minimum towing assistance for ships operated on an existing waterway


ISSN: 0867-4299

Tytuł: A kinematic method for the assessment of the safe parameters of a waterway bend

Autor/Autorzy: Jan Dzwonkowski, Marcin Przywarty, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: kinematic method, safe parameters, waterway, simulation model, physically paths, simulation

Abstrakt: This paper presents an original kinematic method for the assessment of the safe parameters of waterway bends. The proposed method has been based on the analysis of the results obtained through the use of the developed simulation model which allowed for the examination of all the physically available paths of a ship’s centre of gravity. The results of the simulation were divided into defined subsets that enabled the assessment of the safe parameters of waterway bends. This paper also presents the calculations that were carried out for the theoretical reference bend.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst 

DOI: 10.17402/272

Tytuł: A method for the approximation of oil binder fall trajectory

Autor/Autorzy: Marcin Przywarty, Bartosz Muczyński, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: oil binders, oil spill handling, BioBind, natural experiment, sea operation, approximation

Abstrakt: The following paper presents a novel method for approximating the fall trajectories of small, lightweight oil binders, used during oil spill clean-up operation at sea. Due to the weight, size and shape of the binders, the fall trajectory is highly dependent on the direction and strength of the wind, as well as the rotations and positions of individual binders when dropped. Since a large quantity of tightly packed binders are dropped at once, it is highly inconvenient to calculate the precise trajectory of each binder when its exact initial rotation and position inside the container are not known. The aim of this study is to predict the exact moment and position of the drop, as well as the oil binders’ spread, considering wind conditions, airplane velocity and height.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst 

DOI: 10.17402/264

Tytuł: Optimization of the parameters of the Swinoujscie outer container port

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Marcin Przywarty, Bartosz Muczyński

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: optimization, ships traffic, Simulation method, seaport parameters, container port, safety of manoeuvring

Abstrakt: The article presents an original two-stage simulation method for the optimization of seaport parameters. Presentation of the method is based on example of parameter optimization of the outer container port in Świnoujście. Presented method uses two limitations of the objective function related to safety of manoeuvring and mooring of ships. It consist of two stages, first one is carried out for the parameters defined in the preliminary stage of design. On the basis of results from this stage, layout and other parameters of port waterways can be adjusted to satisfy assumed safety criteria. The second stage uses the parameters established in the first stage. It allows for small adjustments which will not change the safety of manoeuvring. The result of second stage is optimal parameters of the examined port waterways.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst 

DOI: 10.17402/274

Tytuł: Universal Simulation Method for Determination the Maneuverability of Ferry on the Example of Ystad Port

Autor/Autorzy: Lucjan Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Bartosz Muczyński, Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: maneuverability, maneuvering safety,traffic engineering, ferry, simulation.

Abstrakt: The paper describes a universal simulation method used by the authors to determine the con-ditions of safe operation of sea ferries, in terms of marine traffic engineering. The assumptions, simulation experiment and results are described on the example of the m/f Mazovia manoeuvring in the Port of Ystad. Carried out and described in the article simulation study using the present method was aimed to determine the possibility of adapting the propulsion and steering systems of the ferry including: -determination of the wind limits in the Port of Ystad in terms of Mazovia ferry operation; -assessment of the maneuvering safety in a port area and determination of conditions of safe operation with present propulsion and steering systems; -determination of the possibility of adapting the propulsion and steering systems to meet the requirements of the shipowner for the economically efficient and safe operation of the ferry.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2018-0004

Tytuł: Analysis of vessel traffic flows on a waterway bend

Autor/Autorzy: Marcin Przywarty, Jan Dzwonkowski

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: vessel traffic flows, traffic intensity, fairway width, fairway bend

Abstrakt: This paper presents preliminary results of research to develop a method of analysis of chosen parameters of vessel traffic flows on a bend in a waterway. Assumptions within the model are based on the geometrical dependences and, for a significant part, on expert experience and real life manoeuvring tactics. The work is focused on the analysis of coordinates of a ship, reduced to its centre of gravity, for different input and assumed output parameters. The proposed method allows also for the analysis of other parameters that influence navigational safety such as rate of turn. The results confirm the possibility of assessment of traffic flow parameters with use of the developed method. In the next stages of the work, algorithms which are capable of accounting for human factors and external conditions can be implemented.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.17402/218

Tytuł: Factors influencing grounding probability in the Baltic Sea area - quantitative assessment

Autor/Autorzy: Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: vessels grounding causes, grounding probability coefficient, navigational safety, quantitative assessment, research area, internal factors

Abstrakt: This paper presents the process of quantitative assessment of selected factors influencing the probability of grounding. All grounding accidents that occurred during one year (2013) in the Baltic Sea area were analysed. The research area was chosen because of very high traffic intensity and a large number of narrow passages that make it difficult for navigation. The research period was limited by the latest data reported by HELCOM up to the year 2013. The Method of Grounding Probability Coefficient (GPC) calculation is proposed to reach the assumed goal. Either internal factors such as the ships size and ship type or external factors such as time of day, wind force and season were taken into account. As a result the values of coefficients describing the impact of various factors on the probability are evaluated. This coefficients, taking into consideration coupling effect, can be used in future in the navigational safety simulation models based on the assumed value of accident probability.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.17402/106

Tytuł: Using maritime simulation systems to present complex information in maritime museums

Autor/Autorzy: Lucjan Gucma, Marcin Przywarty, Tomasz Budzan, Lech Karwowski, Peter Vidmar, Uros Hribar

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: maritime simulation, solar compass, Viking navigation, Decca system, sciences centre, navigational systems

Abstrakt: The paper presents the stages of creation of an autonomous historical navigational system simulator working both in real and accelerated time. The simulator allows performance of navigation tasks from the time of the ancient Vikings, as well as to fix a position by using the Decca system on a real Mk21 receiver recreated to cooperate with the artificial Decca system model. The Viking solar compass discovered on Wolin Island in 2013 was the trigger for creating such a simulator as part of a broader exhibition of navigational systems and tools. The main intention of the exhibition is to demonstrate the hyperbolic navigation application that links both systems.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst

DOI: 10.17402/088

Tytuł: Vessel route optimization to avoid risk of collision between carriers of dangerous goods and passenger vessels

Autor/Autorzy: Renata Boć, Krzysztof Marcjan, Marcin Przywarty, Lucjan Gucma

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: carriage of dangerous goods, risk of collision, passenger ships, chemical tankers, optimization of

ship routes, algorithm

Abstrakt: This article presents the underlying concepts of a mathematical model optimizing the routes of vessels carrying dangerous goods proceeding in the vicinity of passenger ferries. The method is based on the estimated risk of collision between a chemical tanker and a passenger vessel. Risk assessment was performed using three models. The first model determines the distance of the passing ships on the selected area on the basis of the AIS data. The second one is a stochastic model of navigational safety assessment, which provides statistical data on the probability of collision between the two chosen types of vessels. The third model determines the consequences of collisions between passenger ships and chemical tankers. The study defines the scope of the parameters affecting the objective function of vessel route optimization and their importance in the optimization problem.

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DOI: 10.17402/177

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