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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Andrzej Bąk

Tytuł: Assessment of ship manoeuvring safety in waterway systems by relative navigational risk

Autor/Autorzy:  Stanisław Gucma, Andrzej Bąk, Wojciech Ślączka

Miejsce publikacji: Archives of Transport

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: navigational risk, sea waterway system, navigation safety on sea waterways

Abstrakt: The safety of vessels navigating in the sea waterway system is ensured by fulfilling the acceptable restrictions called safe ship operation conditions in that system. The assessment of navigation safety is particularly important when the conditions for safe operation of ships in the waterway system are changed concerns increasing the maximum parameters of vessels, increasing the allowable hydrometeorological conditions or changing the minimum tug assistance. The article presents a method for assessing navigation safety when the conditions for the safe operation of vessels in the waterway system get changed. The method uses two indicators, which are difference in navigation risks and relative navigation risk. To determine the navigational risk, algorithms were developed for calculating the probability of accidents caused by the deterioration of navigation conditions and technical failure of ship equipment and tugs. Another algorithm was developed for calculating the consequences of the accidents that involve blocking a waterway by a ship anchoring in an emergency, grounding, impact of the ship against a port structure or moored ship and a collision with another ship in motion. The method developed for assessing navigation safety by means of relative navigation risk can be used in practice when changing the conditions for safe operation of vessels in the waterway system and when the system is modernized. Navigational safety management is a decision process that is implemented in the loop presented in the article. The acceptable risk is determined on the basis of vessel traffic intensity and ship parameters defined by safe operation conditions for a given waterway system. Relative navigational risk may be used in assessment and comparison of various conditions of safe ship operation. The probability of an accident caused by ship's moving outside the available navigable area due to technical failures of ship equipment or tugs is determined, depending on the type of port waterway and the manoeuvres performed.

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DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0016.1230

Tytuł: Evolution of Maritime GNSS and RNSS Performance Standards

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski, Andrzej Bąk, Michael Bergmann

Miejsce publikacji: Remote Sensing

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: GNSS, IMO, maritime standards, RAIM, RNSS

Abstrakt: The primary means for electronic position fixing in use in contemporary maritime transport are shipborne GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers or DGPS (Differential GPS) receivers. More advanced GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) or RNSS (Regional Navigation Satellite Systems) receivers are able to process combined signals from American GPS, Russian GLONASS, Chinese Beidou (BDS), European Galileo, Indian IRNSS, and Japan QZSS. Satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) are still not commonly used in the maritime domain, especially onboard vessels certified under international SOLAS convention. The issues and weaknesses of existing International Maritime Organization recommendations, guidelines, requirements, performance standards, and policies on GNSS shipborne sensors are discussed and presented in the paper. Many problems that have already been dealt with in other means of transportation are still to be solved in the maritime domain. The integrity monitoring is addressed as the main issue, and recommendations based on solutions implemented in aviation and the latest research are proposed. Finally, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats awaiting maritime GNSS standardization process are outlined.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.3390/rs14215291

Tytuł: Automatyzacja procesu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem na bazie systemu ECDIS

Autor/Autorzy: Andrzej Bąk

Miejsce publikacji: Akademia Morska w Szczecinie

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: bezpieczeństwo nawigacji, ECDIS, automatyzacja procesu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem

Abstrakt: Zaproponowane podejście do szacowania ryzyka nawigacyjnego, czyli kombinacji prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia określonego zdarzenia niebezpiecznego i konsekwencji związanych z tym niebezpieczeństwem, oparte jest na integracji wielu metod oraz wypracowaniu algorytmu automatycznej jego oceny. Z ogólnej formuły obliczania ryzyka wynika, że analiza ryzyka sprowadza się zawsze do wyboru optymalnej metody, która pozwoli na: identyfikację zagrożeń, oszacowanie ekspozycji na zagrożenia, oszacowanie poziomu prawdopodobieństwa zdarzeń niebezpiecznych, oszacowanie poziomu strat w zdarzeniach niebezpiecznych. Podczas szacowania ryzyka w transporcie morskim trudno jest wskazać jedną metodę. Wybór jest zawsze uzależniony od warunków brzegowych prowadzonych badań dotyczących konkretnego aspektu nawigacji morskiej. W pracy skupiono się na akwenach ograniczonych, a jako reprezentatywny przykład wzięto pod uwagę żeglugę po torze wodnym Świnoujście–Szczecin. Zaprezentowano szereg metod służących do aktualnej oceny bezpieczeństwa nawigacji przy istniejących warunkach oznakowania nawigacyjnego. Zostało to osiągnięte poprzez przeprowadzenie badań ankietowych wśród pilotów morskich pracujących na co dzień na torze wodnym Świnoujście–Szczecin. Kolejna statystyczna metoda analizowania danych historycznych, jakimi są wypadki morskie, czyli zdarzenia na morzu otwartym lub wodach z nim połączonych, gdzie statki morskie uprawiają żeglugę, pozwoliła wskazać obszary potencjalnie niebezpieczne, które wymagają szczególnej uwagi w kontekście redukcji zdarzeń niepożądanych w przyszłości.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

ISBN: 978-83-64434-48-8

Tytuł: Determination of the Waterway Parameters as a Component of Safety Management System

Autor/Autorzy: Andrzej Bąk, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences-Basel , vol. 11 (10); pp. 4456

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: fairway, marine traffic engineering, Navigation channel, safety of navigation, safety management system

Abstrakt: This article presents the use of a computer application codenamed “NEPTUN” to ascertain the waterway parameters of the modernised Świnoujście–Szczecin waterway. The designed program calculates the individual risks in selected sections of the fairway depending on the input data, including the parameters of the ship, available water area, and positioning methods. The collected data used for analyses in individual modules are stored in a SQL server of shared access. Vector electronic navigation charts of S-57 standard specification are used as the cartographic background. The width of the waterway is calculated by means of the method developed on the basis of the modified PIANC guidelines. The main goal of the research is to prove and demonstrate that the designed software would directly increase the navigation safety level of the Świnoujście–Szczecin fairway and indicate the optimal positioning methods in various navigation circumstances.

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Tytuł: A systematic solution for mitigating the problem of derelict fishing gear

Autor/Autorzy: Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin-Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: MARELITT, ghost nets, derelict fishing gear, Baltic Sea, ecology, fishery

Abstrakt: In this article, a systematic solution for mitigating the DFG (Derelict Fishing Gear) problem has been presented using an example of a DFG wreck operation. The planning process has been described in detail and the influence of ghost net recovery on the marine environment has been shown. The research was performed on selected wrecks found in the Polish economic zone and the method consisted of scanning the sea bottom using 2D sonar. Based on the information obtained by the sonar, the ghost nets were later retrieved using a creeper (in cases where the ghost nets were lying on the sea bottom) or with the help of divers (in cases where the nets were sitting on the wrecks). The results have shown that, taking into consideration the research area of the Baltic Sea, the presented method will be satisfactory in most case

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.17402/419

Tytuł: Concept of LNG transfer and bunkering model of vessels at South Baltic Sea Arena

Autor/Autorzy: Maciej Gucma, Andrzej Bąk, Ewelina Chłopińska

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: LNG, bunkering of gas, supply chain

Abstrakt: At first part of the article methods of SOx (sulphur oxides) emission reduction is presented along with the description of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) as a bunker fuel for vessel. As-sumptions for the methods of bunkering between different LNG driven vessel and bunker means is presented. Last part presents assumptions for optimization method and detailed fac-tors to be used in the further work. Optimization of Location-Route Planning (LRP) model with dynamics is presented as starting idea for next steps

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2018-0006

Tytuł: The Modernization of the Mrzezyno Seaport. Applaying Simulation Studies to Define the Variants of the Expansion of the Entrance Breakwater

Autor/Autorzy: Renata Boć, Lucjan Gucma, Andrzej Bąk

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: model of manoeuvring a ship, navigation safety, designing seaports, breakwater optimization

Abstrakt: Objective reasons, such as climatic changes, larger vessels, sometimes the impracticality of the current solutions, determine the interest of decision-makers in rebuilding the existing ports and breakwaters. Tested simulation models allow for a thorough analysis of the possible modernization variants taking into account the variability of basic parameters. The article presents research results related to the optimization of the Mrzezyno seaport with respect to navigation safety and the possibility of larger vessels calling at the port after its modernization. In the paper, real time simulation methods based on manoeuvre simulators were applied. Two different variants that can be implemented from the technical point of view were studied. Following a multidimensional analysis that took into consideration increased comfort of ship manoeuvres in the port and navigation safety, one variant was indicated as the optimum. The aim of the research results is to help design new solutions in the case of the modernization of the Mrzezyno seaport.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2017-0020

Tytuł: Stochastic Model of Ships Traffic Capacity and Congestion - Validation by Real Ships Traffic Data on Świnoujście - Szczecin Waterway

Autor/Autorzy: Lucjan Gucma, Andrzej Bąk, Sylwia Sokołowska

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: ship traffic stream model, waterway capacity, ship intensity, congestion, ship intensity, ship traffic streams

Abstrakt: Paper presents validation of previously created stochastic ships traffic stream model by the real data of ships delays on Świnoujście — Szczecin waterway. The model is mostly based on Monte Carlo methodology. The model is microscopic which means that each ship’s model is treated as separate object possessing given attributes. As the main parameter of presented validation total waiting (delay) time of ships have been applied. The time of ships delays was possessed from Szczecin VTS centre and compared with the model output.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2017-0013

Tytuł: Applying Simulation Studies to Define Futher Development of the Przemysłowy Canal in Szczecin

Autor/Autorzy: Lucjan Gucma, Renata Boć, Andrzej Bąk

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: Port Manoeuvering, Port of Szczecin, Przemyslowy Canal in Szczecin, Applying Simulation Study, Navigation Safety, Safety of Navigation, Parameters of Waterways, Harbour Approach Channels Design

Abstrakt: The increasing sizes of ships and lack of functionality of the existing solutions determine the interest in rebuilding the already existing solutions. Simulation models allow to analyse the possible modernisation variants taking into account the variability of elementary parameters. The article presents analysis results for the Przemyslowy Canal in Szczecin with respect to navigation safety and regulating traffic regulations in the Przemyslowy Canal taking into consideration the interests of all subjects involved. The paper applies real‐time simulation methods based on manoeuvring simulators. After a thorough analysis that took into account the safety of navigation, further possibilities of development have been determined. Study results are aimed at designing new solutions in case of modernization of the Przemysłowy Canal in Szczecin.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,43,759.html

DOI: 10.12716/1001.11.03.22

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