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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Ewelina Orysiak

Tytuł: Determination of Demand for LNG in Poland

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Mykhaylo Shuper

Miejsce publikacji: Energies

Rok: 2024

Słowa kluczowe:  transport safety, shipping fuel, exploitation process modeling

Abstrakt: This study was aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the distribution of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as shipping fuel in the southern Baltic Sea. The objective of this study was to determine the demand for LNG for maritime shipping by analyzing the distribution of the resource from the water side (ship-to-ship). LNG was chosen due to the location of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście within the analyzed water area, where a problem has arisen in the southern part of the Baltic Sea regarding fuel supply for vessels due to the lack of developed infrastructure along the coast. An analysis was conducted to optimize the size of the LNG fleet and infrastructure facilities. Seeking compliance with Annex VI to the MARPOL 73/78 Convention, adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), shipowners see potential in the switch from conventional fuels to LNG. As one of the alternative solutions, it will contribute to reducing harmful emissions. Determination of the LNG distribution volume requires the identification of LNG storage facility locations, specifying the number of LNG-powered ships (broken down by type) and the number of LNG bunkering ships. The first part of this study contains a detailed analysis of the number of sea-going ships that provide services in the southern part of the Baltic Sea and the world’s number of LNG bunkering ships. The database contains a set of the characteristics required to determine the optimal demand for LNG, where LNG bunkering vessels are capable of supplying fuel within the shortest possible time and covering the shortest possible distance to LNG-powered ships. The characteristics include the type of ship, requested LNG volume, the speed of LNG bunkering ships, the distance between LNG facilities, and the loading rate (the volume of fuel received per time unit). Based on the collected data, the volume of LNG distribution was determined using MATLAB R2019a software. The remainder of this study contains a description of the conducted research and results of an analysis of the traffic density in the Baltic Sea. The results were obtained on the basis of data from the Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy and IALA IWRAP Mk2 2020 software. The number of LNG-powered ships and number of LNG bunkering ships were specified, and the demand for LNG for the area under analysis was determined

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.3390/en17174414

Tytuł: LNG Logistics Model to Meet Demand for Bunker Fuel

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Hubert Zielski, Mateusz Gawle

Miejsce publikacji: Energies

Rok: 2024

Słowa kluczowe:  energy security, traffic modelling, transport infrastructure, transportation safety, traffic optimisation

Abstrakt: The main objective of this manuscript is to build a model for the distribution of LNG as a marine fuel in the southern Baltic Sea based on a genetic algorithm in terms of cost. In order to achieve this, it was necessary to develop, in detail, research sub-objectives like analysis of the intensity of ship traffic in the indicated area and analysis of LNG demand in maritime transport. In the first part of this study, the authors use data from the IALA IWRAP Mk2 and the Statistical Office in Szczecin to analyse the marine traffic density (by type of vessel) in the southern part of the Baltic Sea. LNG used as marine fuel reduces toxic emissions into the atmosphere. The authors specify the LNG fleet size and locations of LNG storage facilities in a way to ensure that the defined LNG bunker vessels can supply fuel to LNG-powered vessels within the shortest possible time period. The database contains a set of traits necessary to determine the optimal demand for LNG. The traits were developed based on an existing LNG fleet and appropriately selected infrastructure, and they represent existing LNG-powered vessels as well as LNG bunker vessels and their specifications. Based on the created LNG distribution model, were performed in Matlab R2019a software. An LNG distribution model was developed, which uses a genetic algorithm to solve the task. The demand for LNG for the sea area under analysis was determined based on data on the capacity of LNG-powered vessels (by type of vessel) and their distance from the specified port.

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DOI: 10.3390/en17071758

Tytuł: New Technologies For Natural Gas Supply In The Baltic Sea - Economic Aspect

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Diana Kotkowska, Alexander Autzen

Miejsce publikacji: European Research Studies Journal
Rok: 2021
Słowa kluczowe: Baltic Sea, liquefied natural gas, marine fuel,small scale LNG

Abstrakt: Modern technology is contributing to the development of projects and modifications to existing Liquefield Natural Gas (LNG) import terminals that enable efficient distribution of liquefied natural gas. When considering Small Scale LNG (SSLNG), it is important to consider the amount of LNG demand and how the feedstock will be distributed. This paper describes SSLNG technology initiatives that guarantee fast and attractive returns in the medium term. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the first part of the paper, theoretical background of LNG is described. The SSLNG supply chain and the main actors in the distribution process were characterized. Findings: The method of determining the LNG price, which depends on many components, was determined. Distribution costs were classified with reference to the SSLNG fleet in terms of the type of propulsion used. The benefits of implementing SSLNG were indicated. In the next part of the study, the predicted number of vessels which will use LNG as propellant was simulated. This made it possible to determine the price of LNG. The analysis was performed using the Monte Carlo method on the example of the Baltic Sea with a forecast to 2026. Practical implications: SSLNG technology with reduced investment requirements and a short commissioning period reduces the uncertainty of project timing. Depending on the choice of LNG management, different actors are involved in the supply chain. The analyses presented here show that participants in the distribution process have a significant impact on network integration. SSLNG enables the addition of capacity to have the ability to handle increased demand for LNG. Thus, it is possible to synchronize the supply chain. Originality value: For the first time, to our knowledge, determining the situation, anticipating, monitoring, and responding to changes is the basis for designing SSLNG for optimal use.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:
DOI: 10.35808/ersj

Tytuł: Estimation of global liquefied natural gas use by sea-going ships

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Jakub Tatesiuk, Jakub Śnieg

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin - Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Rok: 2021
Słowa kluczowe: liquefied natural gas, LNG-powered ships, demand, SECA areas, bunker fuel, forecast

Abstrakt: Environmental pollution is a growing concern for many organizations, commissions, state governments, and companies. The use of fossil fuels in transportation contributes significantly to increased emissions of harmful sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Maritime transport, as one of the largest emitters of such harmful compounds, has encountered many emission restrictions and legal limitations. These include the creation of areas of strict exhaust gas control (ECA). According to the MARPOL Convention, Annex VI, Special Emission Control Areas have been in force since 01.01.2015, and they include the following areas: the Baltic Sea, North Sea, North America (covering the designated coasts of the USA and Canada and portions of the Caribbean Sea near the USA). According to current regulations, vessels providing services in ECAs are required to maintain sulphur oxide emissions that do not exceed 0.1%. The introduction of new regulations results in costs that have to be covered by shipowners. To meet these standards, the two most popular methods are the use of special flushing systems (scrubbers) and low-sulphur fuels (e.g., LNG). This publication addresses the use of LNG as fuel for the main propulsion of sea-going vessels operating in areas covered by strict sulphur emission controls. It also presents LNG demand forecasts for various ship types, as well as possible solutions satisfying the Sulphur Directive. The purpose of this paper is to present a way to determine the size of the global demand for LNG. The percentage of vessels powered by LNG and other fuels was used as a basis for estimating global LNG demand in shipping until 2030.

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Tytuł: Multicriteria Optimization Method of LNG Distribution

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Maciej Gucma

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav-International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: Cargo Handling, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Multicriteria Optimization Method, LNG Distribution, Marine Diesel Oil (MDO), Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithms (VEGA), Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA)

Abstrakt: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is considered as a realistic substation of marine fuel in 21 century. Solution of building new engines or converting diesels into gas fueled propulsion meets the stringent international emission regulations. For HFO (heavy fuel oil) or MDO (marine diesel oil) propelled vessels, operation of bunkering is relatively wide known and simple. Its due to the fact that fuel itself doesn’t require high standards of handling. Where for LNG as a fuel its very demanding process – it evaporates and requires either consuming by bunker vessel or reliquefication. Distribution of such bunker is becoming multidimensional problem with time and space constrains. The objective of the article is to review the methods of optimization using genetic algorithms for a model of LNG distribution. In particular, there will be considered methods of solving problems with many boundry criteria whose objective functions are contradictory. Methods used for solving the majority of problems are can prevent the simultaneous optimization of the examined objectives, e.g. the minimisation of costs or distance covered, or the maximisation of profits or efficiency etc. Here the standard genetic algorithms are suitable for solving multi-criteria problems by using functions producing a diversity of results depending on the adopted approach.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,54,1030.html

DOI: 10.12716/1001.14.02.30

Tytuł: Concept of LNG transfer and bunkering model of vessels at South Baltic Sea Arena

Autor/Autorzy: Maciej Gucma, Andrzej Bąk, Ewelina Chłopińska

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: LNG, bunkering of gas, supply chain

Abstrakt: At first part of the article methods of SOx (sulphur oxides) emission reduction is presented along with the description of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) as a bunker fuel for vessel. As-sumptions for the methods of bunkering between different LNG driven vessel and bunker means is presented. Last part presents assumptions for optimization method and detailed fac-tors to be used in the further work. Optimization of Location-Route Planning (LRP) model with dynamics is presented as starting idea for next steps

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DOI: 10.1515/aon-2018-0006

Tytuł: Potrzeby energetyczne Polski względem krajowego rynku gazu zimnego

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Artur Bajko, Alexander Autzen

Miejsce publikacji: AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: potrzeby energetyczne, rynek gazu, skroplony gaz ziemny, energy needs,gas market, liquefied natural gas

Abstrakt: The article discusses the aspect of the demand, satisfaction and consumption of energy raw material which is natural gas in liquefied form in Poland. In the first part of the work the gas market was recycled referring to the national economy. Subsequently, energy carriers used in Poland are described and factors determining the use of this raw material are presented. The energy needs of the country with respect to the gas market were further defined

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.24136/atest.2019.181

Tytuł: Modeling the Location and Routing Problem for the Distribution of Liquefied Natural GAS

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Maciej Gucma

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: -

Abstrakt: Programming methods, such as dynamic heuristic search or search and limit techniques are used for solving the problems of routing. Many of the problems to be solved require huge computing effort, some of them are NP-hard. Other optimization algorithms that may be used for solving vehicle routing problems are methods based on genetic algorithms, neural networks and ant algorithms. The problem of LNG distribution system is closely related to the problem of route planning. These problems are characterised by a simple definition of the problem, unlike finding the solution. Finding the optimal outcome for a great number of points is a hard and work-consuming task. Genetic algorithms are an alternative for the methods most often used so far.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2019-0006

Tytuł: Analiza ekonomiczna wykorzystania paliwa niskosiarkowego w transporcie morskim

Autor/Autorzy: Alexander Autzen, Ewelina Chłopińska

Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: paliwa niskosiarkowe, transport morski, paliwa alternatywne, przepisy IMO, łańcuch dostaw LNG,

Abstrakt: Celem artykułuj jest przedstawienie czytelnikowi wpływu ograniczeń Dyrektywy Siarkowej na użytkowników obszarów objętych ścisłą kontrolą emisji siarki. Wymóg dostosowania się do nowych uregulowań prawnych wymusił na armatorach jednostek morskich stosowanie paliw alternatywnych. W celu spełnienia przepisów IMO dotyczących emisji zanieczyszczeń na obszarach ECA armatorzy jako paliwo żeglugowe wykorzystują skroplony gaz ziemny(LNG). W rozdziale pierwszym publikacji przedstawiono ogólne informacje z zakresu wprowadzonych zmian związanych z Dyrektywą Siarkową. Kolejno, poruszono aspekt zastosowania LNG jako paliwa napędowego jednostek morskich i scharakteryzowano ogniwa uproszczonego łańcucha dostaw LNG. W rozdziale trzecim dokonano analizy ekonomicznej cen LNG względem cen ropy naftowej.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.24136/atest.2018.268

Tytuł: Analiza wpływu społecznego terminalu LNG w Świnoujściu

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Michał Ława

Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: terminal LNG w Świnoujściu, gaz ziemny, rynek gazu ziemnego, rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy

Abstrakt: Celem artykułu było wskazanie korzyści wynikających z budowy terminalu LNG w Świnoujściu w obrębie województwa zachodniopomorskiego. W szczególności zaprezentowany został wpływ realizacji przedsięwzięcia w kategoriach korzyści społecznych. Scharakteryzowano inicjatywy realizowane na rzecz miasta Świnoujście oraz regionu, które są niezwykle ważne z punktu widzenia wartości wynikających ze społecznej odpowiedzialności podjętej inwestycji – nie tylko pod kątem technicznym, ale jej skali i funkcjonalności. Poruszono również kluczowe kwestie wynikające przede wszystkim z unikatowego charakteru przedsięwzięcia dotyczące turystyki, rozwoju wiedzy oraz bezpieczeństwa. Wskazano na poszanowanie przyrody i środowiska naturalnego miasta i okolic co jest integralnym elementem wartości projektu.

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DOI: -

Tytuł: The impact of a liquefied natural gas terminal on the gas distribution and bunkering network in Poland

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Maciej Gucma

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: natural gas, LNG fuel, gas consumption, LNG terminal in Świnoujście, energetic safety, Poland

Abstrakt: The proximity of the sea has a strategic importance for Poland’s security and economy. LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) may play an important role in the Baltic Sea Region in the near future – it may create opportunities for dynamic international economic cooperation for Baltic countries. Access to the Baltic Sea enables sustainable development consisting of the comprehensive exploitation of the country’s maritime potential, i.e.: the broad development of the maritime economy. In this paper the authors have given an overview of the benefits of a LNG terminal located in Świnoujście. Building a facility is a strategic investment that requires the involvement of all stakeholders at the local, regional, and national level. In this paper the authors have presented general information on the collection and transmission of natural gas. The aspects of trends in the LNG market have been discussed. Market conditions in the world and in Europe, concerning the investment in the Świnoujście LNG terminal, have been described. The implementation of the strategy has been aimed at supporting the pursuit of long-term development agreements integrating the maritime sectors with the other related sectors. The directions of gas distribution arising from the rational use of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście have also been presented. In addition, the economic impact of the location of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście on the development of the gas market in Poland was analyzed

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DOI: 10.17402/278

Tytuł: Wykorzystanie skroplonego gazu ziemnego w Polsce

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Agata Nowakowska

Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: PL

gaz ziemny skroplony gaz ziemny wykorzystanie gazu ziemnego Polsk

Abstrakt: W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono aspekt ekologiczny stale zwiększającego się zanieczyszczenia powietrza atmosferycznego w Polsce. Zaprezentowano głównych emitentów szkodliwych związków mających największy wpływ na jakość powietrza oraz przedstawiono alternatywne rozwiązania umożliwiające redukcję występujących zanieczyszczeń. Kolejno szczegółowo scharakteryzowano skroplony gaz ziemny i zdefiniowano jego możliwości. W trzeciej części pracy opisano sposoby obniżenia poziomu zanieczyszczenia poprzez wykorzystanie LNG w różnych dziedzinach gospodarki w Polsce

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DOI: -

Tytuł: Charakterystyka jednostek morskich pełniących funkcję bunkrowania skroplonego gazu ziemnego

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska, Kamila Jarmołowicz

Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: gaz ziemny skroplony gaz ziemny LNG żegluga morska transport morski transport LNG bunkrowanie paliwa bunkrowanie statków Dyrektywa 2012/33/UE

Abstrakt: W artykule omówiony został aspekt wykorzystania LNG jako potencjalnego źródła napędu jednostek morskich. W związku z wejściem w życie Dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2012/33/UE scharakteryzowano zapotrzebowanie na transport drogą morską skroplonego gazu ziemnego na obszarach ECA. LNG jest alternatywnym rozwiązaniem dla armatorów statków, pragnących maksymalnie ograniczyć emisje zanieczyszczeń w celu ochrony środowiska naturalnego. To specyficzne paliwo ze względu na swoje właściwości wymaga transportu w odpowiednich warunkach. W pracy wskazano rodzaje statków przystosowanych do przewozu LNG. Opisano również operacje bunkrowania statków LNG oraz wyszczególniono jednostki mogące pełnić te funkcję

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DOI: -

Tytuł:The dual-fuel engine as an alternative marine propulsion system

Autor/Autorzy: Ewelina Chłopińska

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: European Parliament and Council Directive 2012/33/EU, Emission Control Areas, LNG fuel,

dual-fuel technology

Abstrakt: This article presents an alternative solution for marine units operating both inside and outside areas covered by strict controls on sulphur emissions. Emission Control Area include the waters of the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the English Channel, and the coasts of North America. Shipping in these areas is obliged to use fuel with a sulphur content in accordance with European Parliament and Council Directive 2012/33/EU. The technology to power units with marine diesel oil and other fuels compliant with the requirements of the Sulphur Directive is described. Low-sulfur fuel is efficient and environmentally friendly, and liquefied natural gas (LNG fuel) is an example of the technology described.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.17402/197

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