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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Krzysztof Pleskacz

Tytuł: The Analysis of Social and Situational Systems as Components of Human Errors Resulting in Navigational Accidents

Autor/Autorzy: Lech Kasyk, Anna Wolnowska, Krzysztof Pleskacz, Tomasz Kapuściński

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences-Basel

Rok: 2023

Słowa kluczowe: Ishikawa diagram, marine accidents, navigation, safety, sustainability, social systems, situational systems

Abstrakt: As in any industry exposed to risk, human and organizational factors are the main stakes of maritime safety. Understanding the causes and risks of maritime accidents is integral to the sustainability of shipping. The investigation of marine accidents is a crucial tool for their identification in areas related to operations and ships, including social and situational systems, their design, and technical systems. The authors conducted a cause–effect analysis of marine incidents. For this purpose, case-by-case analysis and an Ishikawa diagram were used, which is a tool that helps identify actual or potential causes of accidents. The study showed that by far the most significant cross-section of causes of accidents were elements of social and situational systems that affect the safety of the ship, crew, and environment. The least significant contribution came from the machinery area. Through the detailed descriptions, a picture emerges not so much of a lack of knowledge of the regulations as of a failure to comply with existing procedures or best practices. In the authors’ opinion, more emphasis is needed on preventive measures, including safety culture, training, competence assessment, and increased awareness of the need for sustainability.

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DOI: 10.3390/app

Tytuł: Time Shift of Wind Influence on the Movement of Surface Water Masses in the Szczecin Lagoon

Autor/Autorzy: Lech Kasyk, Krzysztof Pleskacz, Tomasz Kapuściński

Miejsce publikacji: European Research Studies Journal

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: SAR, wind parameters modelling, wind parameters and forecasting, shipwreck drift modeling, directional correlation

Abstrakt:  The study's specific objectives were to analyze the interaction between the prevailing hydrometeorological conditions and the trajectory of water layer movement in the Szczecin Lagoon (southern Baltic, Poland). Design/Methodology/Approach: Research experiments verifying the drift movement trajectory under various hydrometeorological conditions were carried out in the Szczecin Lagoon. In the presented analysis, 17 fragments from ten drift trajectories were selected, in which there was a clear time shift in the influence of the wind direction on the change of the drifting direction. Statistical analysis of directional and linear data allowed us to link the directions and speeds of drifters moving with the wind parameters recorded in two places, Świnoujście and Trzebież, with an appropriate time shift. Findings: As a result of the research, it was found that the change of the wind direction influences the direction change of the flow of surface waters in the Szczecinski Lagoon with an unavoidable delay. A significant correlation was found between the speed of changes in the wind direction and the initial wind direction. A relationship was also shown between the distance of the test site from the weather station and the registered wind direction change. Originality/value: The presented relationships between some fundamental processes in the energy transfer between wind and water surface may be beneficial for the maritime administration, which is responsible for the safety of navigation in the studied water area. The analysis results can be used in SAR actions and to project the track of water pollutants.

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DOI: 10.35808/ersj/3043

Tytuł: The Use of Neural Networks for Modeling the Movement of Surface Water Masses in Enclosed Sea Areas

Autor/Autorzy: Lech Kasyk, Krzysztof Pleskacz, Tomasz Kapuściński

Miejsce publikacji: International Strategic Management Association (ISMA)

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: Safety, surface flow, wind, neural networks, Szczecin Lagoon

Abstrakt: Purpose: The article presents the use of neural networks to predict the parameters of the movement of surface water masses in enclosed sea areas. Design/Methodology/Approach: The input data were meteorological parameters recorded at the stations Trzebież and Świnoujscie. The output data were the parameters of moving drifters, obtained because of an experiment in 2018 in the waters of the Szczecin Lagoon. The model uses Multi-Layer Perceptron networks with different activation functions. As a criterion for selecting the best networks, the highest correlation statistics for the test and validation sample were used. Findings: As a result of the research, predictions of the speed and direction of surface water masses were obtained based on the meteorological conditions recorded on the outskirts of the studied reservoir. Originality/value: The presented research is a new application of artificial neural networks in security in restricted waters. The results obtained in the study may be beneficial for the maritime administration, which is responsible for the safety of navigation in the studied water area. The model can be used to design a survivor’s route or a contamination route.

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DOI: 10.35808/ersj

Tytuł: Analysis Of Wind And Drifter Movement Parameters In Terms Of Navigation Safety On The Example Of The Szczecin Logoon

Autor/Autorzy: Lech Kasyk, Krzysztof Pleskacz, Tomasz Kapuściński

Miejsce publikacji: International Strategic Management Association (ISMA)

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: Safety, surface flow, wind, surface drifter, Szczecin Lagoon.

Abstrakt: Purpose: The article presents a comparative analysis of the drift movement in the water area of Szczecin Lagoon (southern Baltic, Poland) and wind parameters in the examined region for the dry summer season. Design/Methodology/Approach: Experimental tests were conducted to determine the relationship between the drifter movement parameters and wind parameters in Szczecin Lagoon area. A set of surface drifters was designed for the experimental study at the Maritime University of Szczecin. Drifters were custom-made to track surface currents. In situ experiments were performed from the end of June till mid-October 2018. Statistical analysis of directional and linear data allowed to link the directions and speeds of moving drifters with wind parameters recorded in two places, Świnoujscie and Trzebież. Findings: As a result of the conducted research, it was ascertained that the direction and speed of air masses flow are parameters that strongly affect the movement of surface waters of Szczecin Lagoon. A significant correlation was found between the wind direction and the drift direction. The coefficient of surface drift was also specified to determine the relationship between drift speed and wind speed. Originality/value: The presented research is a complete novelty in the area of the Szczecin Lagoon. The results obtained in the study may be beneficial for the maritime administration, which is responsible for the safety of navigation in the studied water area. The analysis can be used for projecting the track of pollutants in water.

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Tytuł: Research into leeways in the regions of the Świnoujście– Szczecin fairway on the Szczecin Lagoon

Autor/ Autorzy: Monika Kijewska, Lech Kasyk, Krzysztof Pleskacz

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin-Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: leeway, wind, downwind, crosswind, in-situ experiments, surface drifters, fairway, Szczecin Lagoon

Abstrakt: The paper analyzes the influence of air mass movement on moving (the leeway) surface water in the Świnoujście– Szczecin fairway region on the Szczecin Lagoon. The Szczecin Lagoon includes waters of the Odra River estuary (Poland’s second largest river) and the southern Baltic Sea. To calculate the leeway parameters, a relevant surface drifter was outlined and constructed. The data on the leeway of the drifter was obtained from in-situ experiments conducted on the Szczecin Lagoon in the summer of 2018. In turn, the air mass movement data was recorded at meteorological stations in Trzebież and Świnoujście. A statistical analysis of the leeway parameters of the drifter was also presented. Distributions of the leeway and wind speeds in the Świnoujście– Szczecin fairway regions were established. Moreover, linear regressions between the leeway and wind parameters were performed by decomposing the leeway into its downwind and crosswind components for each 10-minute sample. It is worth highlighting that relationships between these components of the leeway and wind parameters were studied for weak, medium, and stronger winds. This research may be useful for increasing navigation safety in the Świnoujście–Szczecin fairway regions on the Szczecin Lagoon.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:

DOI: 10.17402/353

Tytuł: Comparative Analysis of the Data on the Surface Currents and Wind Parameters Generated by Numerical Models on the Szczecin Lagoon Area

Autor/Autorzy: Monika Kijewska, Krzysztof Pleskacz, Lech Kasyk

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: Szczecin Lagoon, Surface Current, Wind Parameters, Hydrodynamic Model, Weather Forecast, Numerical Models, Geographic Information System (GIS), High Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR)

Abstrakt: This study focuses on the investigation of available surface currents and wind parameters for employing them in order to predict the survivor movement in the Szczecin Lagoon waters. For this purpose, the surface currents and wind parameters were generated by selected numerical models and the wind parameters were also measured with the telemetry devices. In this paper, the PM3D hydrodynamic model and the NEMS, ECMWF, GFS weather forecast models have been investigated. The measurements of the wind parameters, recorded at the Brama Torowa I and Trzebież stations, were also analyzed. As part of the research, an expert method was used to evaluate the surface currents parameters. In turn, the method based on comparing the forecasted wind parameters with the measured wind parameters was applied in order to assess uncertainties of these parameters. The comparative analyses of the data on the surface currents and wind parameters have been done and probabilistic models for uncertainties of these forecasted parameters have been formulated. Additionally, relations between the surface currents speeds and the wind speeds, in the case when their directions were consistent, have been also discovered.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,48,859.html


Tytuł: The Ultimate Solution of the Deviation Problem for Magnetic Compasses

Autor/Autorzy: Evgenij Łusznikow, Krzysztof Pleskacz

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: magnetic compasses, magnetism, compass compensation, deviation of magnetic compass, safety

of navigation, navigation area

Abstrakt: This article has looked into the role of the magnetic compass in providing navigational safety for ships. The existing requirements of the magnetic compass for safe navigation in case the gyro compass breaks-down and in case of terrorists abusing GPS signals do not solve the problems that occur in everyday life. Therefore, a new rational requirement has been proposed for the accuracy and frequency of deviation adjustment work assuring the safety and cost effectiveness of navigation. Vessel owners and masters have responsibilities to ensure that magnetic compasses are maintained in good working order, are adjusted and accompanied by a table or curve of residual deviations. This article has outlined the most urgent problems for the adjustment of magnetic compasses that apply to all ships irrespective of size and navigation area. The proposed method has been verified experimentally.

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Tytuł: Niepewność prognoz parametrów wiatru dla Zalewu Szczecińskiego i Zatoki Pomorskiej jako jedno ze źródeł błędów predykcji trasy dryfu rozbitka

Autor/Autorzy: Monika Kijewska, Krzysztof Pleskacz

Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: trasa dryfu, parametry wiatru, błędy prognozy

Abstrakt: W niniejszym artykule naświetlono potrzebę predykcji trasy dryfu rozbitka w wodach Zalewu Szczecińskiego i Zatoki Pomorskiej. Jednakże, aby wyznaczyć tę trasę należy dysponować odpowiednimi parametrami wiatru. Parametry te można pozyskać z numerycznych modeli prognoz pogody. Prognozy tychże parametrów zazwyczaj obarczone są błędami. W artykule, na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań, przeanalizowano przyczyny powstawania błędów prognoz i wskazano możliwe kierunki poprawy jakości prognozowanych parametrów wiatru.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:$3&qt=IN_PAGE

DOI: -

Tytuł: Necessity for a change to the control procedures for merchant vessel course indicators

Autor/Autorzy: Krzysztof Pleskacz

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: gyro compass, magnetic compass, systematic error of compass, control of gyro and magnetic

compasses, procedures, security of navigation

Abstrakt: The author presents a new perspective on the process of controlling course indicators, to fit with the modern equipment of present day ships, in line with current trends and prospects for its development. The newly proposed measures and methods in this research must address the following issues: the improvement of safety, reduction in routine work and improvement of the navigation services on a ship. This article includes an analysis of requirements and also test results relating to compliance with respect to the course indicators used on commercial vessels. The author presents and justifies the need to introduce changes to the procedures and practices of conduct, updating the current actual situation. The proposed new procedures should have a direct impact on the security of navigation.

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