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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Artur Żuliński

Tytuł: The Use of a Double Bottom Trawl Set to Assess the Selectivity of Innovative Codends in Baltic Cod (Gadus morhua) Fishing

Autor/Autorzy: P.Zalewski, P.Nowakowski, K.Berest, G.Krzemień, J.Artyszuk, A.Żuliński, M.Kasprowicz 

Miejsce publikacji:  Applied Sciences-Basel, Tom 14 Zeszyt 3, Nr str. 1131, Data wydania: 01/2024

Rok: 2024

Słowa kluczowe: Baltic fishery, selective fishing, bottom trawl design, ultracross codend, diffuser

Abstrakt: The overall objective of the study presented in this paper was to evaluate the selectivity properties of three innovative codends in Baltic cod fishing: (1) an ultracross codend of 120 mm square mesh, (2) an ultracross codend with additional devices reducing the speed of water flow—one tarpaulin diffuser and one net confusor of 120 mm mesh, and (3) an ultracross codend with two tarpaulin diffusers and two net confusors of 120 mm mesh. These codends were firstly tested at sea by single trawls and compared to T90 and herring codend trawls, allowing assessment of caught fish mass and dimensions. Additionally, a special divided small-mesh coat for the innovative codends enabled determination of the amount as well as the length and mass of cod escaping from the codend both while the trawling gear was towed and while it was hauled. Further validation of codend selectivity was carried out by a double (twin) bottom trawl set deployed from one cutter in various variants of innovative codends compared to standard ones. The results of the study indicate that the use of an innovative ultracross codend and innovative devices reducing the water flow speed (tarpaulin diffusers and 120 mm net confusors) significantly reduces the number of undersized cod (<35 cm), even down to 1.3%, in the haul and contributes to a reduction in invisible mortal discard.

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