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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Jarosław Artyszuk

Tytuł: The Use of a Double Bottom Trawl Set to Assess the Selectivity of Innovative Codends in Baltic Cod (Gadus morhua) Fishing

Autor/Autorzy: P.Zalewski, P.Nowakowski, K.Berest, G.Krzemień, J.Artyszuk, A.Żuliński, M.Kasprowicz 

Miejsce publikacji:  Applied Sciences-Basel, Tom 14 Zeszyt 3, Nr str. 1131, Data wydania: 01/2024

Rok: 2024

Słowa kluczowe: Baltic fishery, selective fishing, bottom trawl design, ultracross codend, diffuser

Abstrakt: The overall objective of the study presented in this paper was to evaluate the selectivity properties of three innovative codends in Baltic cod fishing: (1) an ultracross codend of 120 mm square mesh, (2) an ultracross codend with additional devices reducing the speed of water flow—one tarpaulin diffuser and one net confusor of 120 mm mesh, and (3) an ultracross codend with two tarpaulin diffusers and two net confusors of 120 mm mesh. These codends were firstly tested at sea by single trawls and compared to T90 and herring codend trawls, allowing assessment of caught fish mass and dimensions. Additionally, a special divided small-mesh coat for the innovative codends enabled determination of the amount as well as the length and mass of cod escaping from the codend both while the trawling gear was towed and while it was hauled. Further validation of codend selectivity was carried out by a double (twin) bottom trawl set deployed from one cutter in various variants of innovative codends compared to standard ones. The results of the study indicate that the use of an innovative ultracross codend and innovative devices reducing the water flow speed (tarpaulin diffusers and 120 mm net confusors) significantly reduces the number of undersized cod (<35 cm), even down to 1.3%, in the haul and contributes to a reduction in invisible mortal discard.

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Tytuł: Simulation Tests of the Passing Distance of Ships on a Two-Way Fairway,

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Jarosław Artyszuk, Rafał Gralak, Marcin Przywarty

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences-Basel 2023 , vol. 13 (2); pp. 920

Rok: 2023

Słowa kluczowe: passing distance; safety of navigation; design of waterways; full-mission ship simulator; maritime traffic engineering; safe maneuvering area; two-way fairway

Abstrakt publikacji: One of the components necessary to determine the width of a safe maneuvering area on two-way fairways is a safe passing distance. Existing methods do not consider modern model studies of interactions between passing vessels, additionally, they ignore the influence of the vessel’s position accuracy and navigators’ qualifications. This paper presents a method to determine the passing distance, which is free of the drawbacks of the methods used so far. The proposed method is based on simulation research carried out using an FMBS-type (Full Mission Bridge) simulator. The tests were carried out for three loaded vessels (bulk carrier, tanker, and sea ferry), on four sections of the fairway with different parameters and aids-to-navigation available. The results obtained allowed the modification of the authors’ previous, but still widely used, deterministic–probabilistic MTE (Marine Traffic Engineering) method for determining the width of a safe maneuvering area.

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Tytuł: Power consumption and effectiveness of azimuth stern-drive (ASD) tug while assisting at ship’s bow

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Energies 2022 , vol. 15 (24); pp. 9519

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: azimuth stern drive; ASD tug; bow tug assistance; energy efficiency; towing effectiveness; harbour manoeuvring; full mission ship simulator; FMBS studies

Abstrakt: The purpose of this article is to present a methodical approach to increasing the efficiency of a tug with an
azimuth stern drive (ASD). The difficulties in the bow-to-bow (as a reverse tractor) operations of an azimuth stern-drive tug, while pulling at the assisted (towed) ship’s bow, are investigated through a parametric study. The authors’ original generic analytical model of a tug in a steady state is utilised. Various design and operation options
are also compared, which cover the escort speed, hawser angle, and relative location of the towing point, among others. The latter also means a shift to stern-to-bow operation. The thruster power required and the remaining surplus for executing new alignment (steering) orders are assessed. The study is, thus, aimed at energy savings for the whole
operation and, consequently, at long-term harbour-tug-fleet energy effectiveness. The basic output of the present research is the comparison of the behavioural and control patterns of various tug arrangements at a ship’s bow. The results of the study show a slight advantage for a midship winch tug working through her stern for bow
operation (stern-to-bow) over the reverse tractor acting bow-to-bow. Comparing various tug designs or operation options is difficult due to complicated tug dynamics and statics patterns under the hawser action. Both relative and absolute towing forces have to be considered (a high relative force may result in a low absolute force, much less than ordered by the pilot), with some geometrical and safety constraints additionally. The practical implementation of the conducted research should cover the guidance and training rendered to tug masters in the scope of the operational limitations of a particular tug and towards the design or acquisition of the tug that is best-suited for a particular harbour operation.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Energies 
| Free Full-Text | Power Consumption and Effectiveness of Azimuth 
Stern-Drive (ASD) Tug While Assisting at Ship’s Bow (


Tytuł: Design and Assessment of ADRC-Based Autopilot for Energy-Efficient Ship Steering

Autor/Autorzy: Zenon Zwierzewicz, Lech Dorobczyński, Jarosław Artyszuk

Miejsce publikacji: Energies 2021 , vol. 14 (16); pp. 7937

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: ship autopilot design, ADRC methodology, full-scale ship model

Abstrakt: This paper looks at a typical problem encountered in the process of designing an automatic ship’s course stabilisation system with the use of a relatively new methodology referred to as the Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC). The main advantage of this approach over classic autopilots based on PID algorithms, still in the majority, is that it eliminates the tuning problem and, thus, ensures a much better average performance of the ship in various speed, loading, nautical and weather conditions during a voyage. All of these factors call for different and often dynamically variable autopilot parameters, which are difficult to assess, especially by the ship’s crew or owner.The original result of this article is that the required controller parameters are approximated based on some canonical model structure and analysis of the hydrodynamic properties of a wide class of ships. Another novelty is the use of a fully verified, realistic numerical hydrodynamic model of the ship as a simulation model as well as a basis for deriving a simplified model structure suitable for controller design. The preliminary results obtained indicate good performance of the proposed ADRC autopilot and provide prospects for its successful implementation on a real ship.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Energies | Free Full-Text | Design and Assessment of ADRC-Based Autopilot for Energy-Efficient Ship Steering (



Tytuł: Energy Savings by Optimization of Thrusters Allocation during Complex Ship Manoeuvres

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Energies 2021 , vol. 14 (16); pp. 4959

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: energy efficiency; thrust allocation; constrained optimization; ship control by joystick; harbour manoeuvring; berthing; simulator; FMBS

Abstrakt: The International Maritime Organization adopted a strategy to reduce the total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 50% by 2050, compared to 2008 levels. The European Union proposed an even farther reaching transformation: the European Commission adopted a set of proposals to make the EU’s transport policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Therefore, all industrial actions in line and consistent with these strategies are essential. One of such activities may be a gradual transition from the most common independent controls of transport ships’ thrusters, propellers, and rudders to an integrated, power optimized, 3 degrees of freedom joystick control. In this paper, the full mission bridge simulator (FMBS) research on potential energy savings and, consequently, a GHG emission reduction, while steering a RoPax twin-screw ferry equipped with bow thrusters by a joystick control, is presented. The task of navigators engaged in the research was to steer the vessel either via classic engine, rudder, and thruster levers or via a joystick while (1) following the predefined straight track,(2) rotating at the turning area, and (3), finally, crabbing (moving sideways) until stopping at the quay fenders. The conclusions are that energy savings of approximately 10% can be expected for berthing manoeuvres controlled by a joystick, compared to independent actuators’ controls. These conclusions have been drawn from a statistical analysis of the ship’s energy consumption during typical manoeuvring phases of 18 berthing operations performed in FMBS.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Energies | Free Full-Text | Energy Savings by Optimization of Thrusters Allocation during Complex Ship Manoeuvres (



Tytuł: Applying simulation studies to define further development of the approach channel to Ystad

Autor/Autorzy: Lucjan Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Jarosław Artyszuk, Renata Boć

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol.54(126)2018, pp.103-109

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: navigation safety, port and waterway design, ship manoeuvring simulation, Ystad ferry port

Abstrakt: publikacji: The increasing sizes of ships determine the interest in modifying the already existing solutions. Simulation models allow us to analyse the possible modernisation options. The article presents analysis results for the width of the fairway to Ystad, marked with buoys with respect to navigation safety. After a thorough analysis,taking into account the safety of navigation, further possibilities of development have been determined. Study results are aimed at designing new solutions in case of modernization of the approach channel to Ystad.

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Tytuł: A simulation method to determine the safe operating conditions for designed sea-going ferries

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Jarosław Artyszuk, Rafał Gralak, Adam Kowalski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol.53(125)2018, pp. 114-122

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: ferry manoeuvring safety in port, safe operational conditions, ferry design requirements, simulation study

Abstrakt: publikacji: The presented method for defining the conditions of safe operation of marine ferries in ferry terminals allows verification of shipowner ferry designs. In the first stage of this method, simulations are used to determine the allowable wind speed. The second stage comprises simulations of ferry berthing aimed at defining safe manoeuvring areas, the energy of berthing impact and propeller stream speeds at allowable wind speeds. The method was used in the design of a 228 m long hybrid ferry.

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Tytuł: A study on the identification of the second-order linear Nomoto model from the zigzag test

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol.53(125)2018, pp. 59-67

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: ship manoeuvring and steering, Nomoto second-order linear model, model identification, zigzag test

Abstrakt: publikacji: In this paper a simple four-point, in terms of time, but eight-value in total, identification method has been developed for the second-order linear Nomoto steering model. The algorithm intrinsically uses the zigzag test data in that it inherited some principles of the well-known procedure for the first-order model, from which it is essentially derived. The performance evaluation was then conducted with both simulated and real data. However, the results of these early, unprecedented efforts are far from satisfactory. Some potential sources of difficulties have been discussed. This calls for further research and improvement in order to provide a practical application of the method.

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Tytuł: Conversion of a second- to first-order linear Nomoto model in the light of zigzag manoeuvre performance

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation, vol.25/2018, pp. 187-203

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: zigzag test, ship manoeuvring and steering, Nomoto first- vs. second-order linear model, order reduction problem

Abstrakt: publikacji:The problem of considerable difference between the first- and second-order linear Nomoto models is undertaken, not well covered in literature so far. If the former approximates the latter (better one, of a sound hydrodynamic interpretation) for some reasons, its parameters can not be easily derived from the other one, except for some specific rare cases. For such an identification purpose, we can use a simulated zigzag response and the classic procedure proposed by Nomoto in 1960. However, the first-order model thus developed yields somehow redefined constants against the original model, which lose their normal hydrodynamic (or kinematic) sense. In other words, it is very sensitive to the manoeuvre type on input, being therein the zigzag test. Therefore, the model is allowed to be only used for simulating motions essentially similar to the input zigzag. In other words, the identification procedure works like a blind curve-fitting and the first-order model (in contrast to second-order one) is inadequate for reflecting arbitrary manoeuvres, even for mild rudder as to be within ‘linear’ assumptions.

This study examines systematically and in detail such an incompatibility of the first order model in that it presents the conversion charts from the standpoint of 10°/10° zigzag test matching. One can receive higher or lower values for the parameters of first-order model, versus the second-order one, depending on the T3/T2 ratio of the latter model.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Annual of Navigation



Tytuł: System for determining dynamic under keel clearance of vessels entering the Port of Świnoujście (DRWPS)

Autor/Autorzy: Lucjan Gucma , Mateusz Bilewski , Jarosław Artyszuk , Kinga Drwięga

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: port manoeuvering, under keel clearance (UKC), Port of Swinoujscie, Response Amplitude Operator (RAO), UKC Reduction, graphical user interface, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), LNG Vessels

Abstract: The article presents a system for determining dynamic under keel clearance. In order to build a DRWPS system, a mixed model was created based on the analysis of math models. The system includes advisory software for defining the conditions for the entering of large LNG vessels in the context of under keel clearance and software was built to support the decision-making of operators who are responsible for introducing these vessels to the Port of Swinoujscie.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst



DOI: 10.12716/1001.11.03.21

Autor rozdziału: Performance of Second-order Linear Nomoto Model in terms of ZigZag Curve Parameters , str. 403-409.

Tytuł monografii: Marine Navigation. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk

Miejsce publikacji: Taylor & Francis Group

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: ship manoeuvring, steering, Nomoto model

Abstrakt: The second-order linear model of ship yaw motion, against the well-known first-order approximation, is hydrodynamically sound and therefore more important for many reasons. The zigzag (Kempf) test is one of standard benchmark manoeuvres to evaluate ship designs and provide informative comprehensive data for identifying motion mathematical models. This study produces and analyses universal charts of systematic interdependence between the second-order model parameters and the zigzag curve parameters. An essentially wide range of model parameters is concerned. This can enable a unique identification of the second-order linear model from the ship zigzag behaviour. For that purpose, some practical guidelines are also developed.

ISBN 978-1-138-29762-3



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Tytuł: Optimization of waterway bend widths using computer simulation methods of ship movement

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk, Rafał Gralak, Maciej Gucma, Stanisław Gucma, Wojciech Ślączka, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol.46(118)2016, pp. 115-121

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: computer simulation of vessel traffic, marine traffic engineering, waterways, bends in the fairway, simulation methods of optimizing the parameters of waterways, Świnoujście–Szczecin fairway

Abstrakt: publikacji: The paper presents the development of a new simulation method to optimize bends in marine waterways. This method, using results of empirical research and simulation methods, would allow accurate determination of safe manoeuvring areas. The method was used for detailed design of parameters of a waterway which is undergoing modernization to determine the optimum parameters of bend shapes in horizontal plane. The study was conducted on the ship bridge simulator by marine pilots.

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Tytuł: The linearization of mooring load distribution problem

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol.46(118)2016, pp. 9-16

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: ship mooring, mooring line loads, load pattern (distribution), linear model, analytical vs. numerical approach

Abstrakt: publikacji: This paper presents a novel step forward in finding the loads of particular mooring ropes that balance the steady environmental excitations for a ship staying at berth. The industrial static equilibrium method for a rough assessment of ship mooring safety is considered to be well-established. The static loads are directly related to the rope’s MBLs (minimum breaking loads) while applying a certain safety margin (usually 50%). The problem is reduced to a set of linear equations that may be solved analytically. The generality in terms of arbitrary horizontal and vertical angles of mooring ropes is preserved. All derivations are provided to enhance trust in the verysimple yet absolutely accurate and fast linear solution. The accuracy is studied both analytically, throughout all the development stages, and finally by comparison to the exact numerical solution of the original nonlinear equilibrium equations for an exemplary mooring pattern. A discussion of selected effects in load distribution is also given. Using the approach presented, for instance, we can efficiently test mooring safety when any mooring rope of the set is accidentally broken.

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Tytuł: On scaling of ship seakeeping

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk

Miejsce publikacji: Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Transport, No.112, pp. 9-24

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: ocean waves and ship motions, linear dynamic model, dimensionless ship seakeeping, transfer function (RAO), dimensional (similitude) analysis

Abstrakt: publikacji: The widely accepted linear model of ship motions in waves is considered in frequency-domain, where the steady-state harmonic motions as response to harmonic waves are of interest. The solution of motion transfer functions is presented in dimensionless form with special concern about the dimensionless wave frequency as independent variable. Though some facts are known within ship model testing methodology, this detailed and careful derivation is aimed to enhance in-depth understanding of the seakeeping characteristics of a ship. It is also expected that a transfer functions data exchange between one full-scale ship and another of close geometry yet of different size will be more encouraged.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: On scaling of ship seakeeping | WUT Journal of Transportation Engineering (


DOI: brak

Tytuł: Peculiarities of zigzag behaviour in linear models of ship yaw motion

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation, No. 23, pp. 23-38

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: ship zigzag test (z-test), manoeuvring, steering, Nomoto linear model, model performance features

Abstrakt: publikacji: The present survey, as part of larger project, is devoted to properties of pure linear models of yaw motion for directionally stable ships, of the first- and second-order, sometimes referred to as the Nomoto models. In rather exhaustive way, it exactly compares and explains both models in that what is being lost in the zigzag behaviour, if the reduction to the simpler, first-order dynamics (K-T model) is attempted with the very famous [Nomoto et al., 1957] approximation: T = T1+T2-T3. The latter three time constants of the second-order model, more physically sound, are strictly dependent on the hydrodynamic coefficients of an essential part of the background full-mission manoeuvring model. The approximation of real ship behaviour in either of the mentioned linearity orders, and the corresponding complex parameters may facilitate designing and evaluating ship steering, and identifying some regions of advanced nonlinear models, where linearisation is valid. As a novel outcome of the conducted investigation, a huge inadequacy of such a first-order model for zigzag simulation is reported. If this procedure is used for determining steering quality indices, those would be of course inadequate, and the process of utilizing them (e.g. autopilot) inefficient.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Annual of Navigation



Tytuł: Inherent Properties of Ship Manoeuvring Linear Models in View of the Full-mission Model Adjustment

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol.10 No. 4 , pp. 595-604

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: ship manoevring and steering, Nomoto linear model, full-mission model, model identification

Abstrakt: publikacji: The paper presents new results on the inherent properties of ship linear dynamics. The focus is made on the second‐order formulation for the uncoupled equations of sway and yaw, and on their unique, unknown performance within the zigzag test. From the standpoint of application to full‐mission modeltuning, a very important loop in the drift‐yaw domain of the zigzag behaviour, as governed by the rudder rate dependent time constants (of T3‐type), is brought to the light. This and some other dependent effects, like overshoot angle performance, are likely to be lost, if the well‐known, rather ambiguous, first‐orde approximations are deployed.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,683.pdf



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