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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Mateusz Bilewski

Tytuł: The application of mixed reality and UAS technology in port decision-making process based on PASSport project

Autor/Autorzy: Lucjan Gucma, Bartosz Muczyński, Mateusz Bilewski, Maciej Gucma, Marco Nisi

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav-International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Rok: 2024

Słowa kluczowe: Galileo, Decision Making Process, MARPOL, Head Mounted Display (HMD), Digital Twin, Mixed Reality, Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), European Space Agency (EUSPA)

Abstrakt: It is becoming increasingly important to provide a solution for managing the present mission and status of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles operating on site in large and complex port locations. More ports are implementing digital twin systems, which provide a complete 3D reconstruction of the port as well as real-time data on all objects and actions in progress. It is challenging to provide all relevant data in a way that improves situational awareness and decision-making, resulting in improved management and a faster, more effective response during an emergency. This is due to greater port areas and drones operating in the air, on the water's surface, and underneath. To solve this issue, the PASSport initiative, a project financed by the European Space Agency (EUSPA), is developing an innovative solution based on Mixed Reality (MR) technology. The solution combines real-time geo-tagged and Earth Observation data to provide end users with enhanced 3D representation of the port area via a dedicated Head Mounted Display (HMD) that records user location and movement.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst 

DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.01.11 

Tytuł: South Baltic Oil Spill Response Project (SBOIL)—Development and Implementation of Models of Drift and Fall Trajectories of Biogenic Oil Binders

Autor/Autorzy: Fokke Saathoff, Marcus Siewert, Marcin Przywarty, Mateusz Bilewski, Bartosz Muczyński, Marko Perkovič, Lucjan Gucma

Miejsce publikacji: Sustainability

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: marine pollution, oil spills, biogenic oil binder, oil recovery system

Abstrakt: publikacji: This paper presents the methodology, assumptions, and functionalities of an application developed during the realization of the project “South Baltic Oil Spill Response through Clean-up with Biogenic Oil Binders” (SBOIL). The SBOIL project is a continuation of the BioBind project, the primary goal of which was to develop and deploy an oil recovery system designed for use in coastal waters and adverse weather conditions. The goal of the SBOIL project was to use this new technology to improve the current response capabilities for cross-border oil spills. The developed application allows for the determination of the position of an aircraft at the time of dropping the oil binders, the determination of the oil binders’ position after falling in terms of a specific aircraft’s position, the determination of the position of oil binders after a certain time in order to plan the action of recovering it from the water surface, and the determination of the time when the binders will be in their assumed position.

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DOI: 10.3390/su13179889

Tytuł: Navigational Risk of Ships Proceeding Through a Fairway

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Bartosz Muczyński, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: European Research Studies Journal

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: Navigational safety, navigational risks in fairways, ship emergency manoeuvres, ship simulation, maritime traffic engineering

Abstrakt: Purpose: Navigational risk is a criterion for navigational safety assessment on fairways. To estimate navigational risk, we must determine the probability of an accident and its consequences. Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors have developed methods of determining navigational risks caused by deterioration in navigational conditions during the passage of ships through the waterway system and for the estimation of risk caused by shipboard equipment failures. In a simulation experiment, full ships with 5.000 DWT to 100.000 DWT capacity performed emergency stopping after rudder jamming. Findings: The results of simulation tests developed in the form of mathematical models constitute data for the determination of ship’s navigational risk due to rudder failure. Practical implications: The models can be used for defining simplified relationships allowing authors to determine the width of safe emergency manoeuvring areas. Originality value: The procedure has been developed and navigation algorithms for determining the risk associated with the failure of the steering of the vessel passing through the different types of the fairway.

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DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2385

Tytuł: Dimensioning of Fairway Bends—Kinematic Method of Numerical Simulation

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Marcin Przywarty, Jan Dzwonkowski, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: manoeuvring safety; safe manoeuvring area; dimensioning of fairway bends

Abstrakt: The article presents a new kinematic method of numerical simulation intended for establishingdimensions of safe manoeuvring areas of bends in various types of fairways for vessels of specificparameters. The method consists of multiple numerical simulations of a ship’s passage (ship’s centre ofgravity) through a bend, representing the entire physically possible movement of the ship, and an analysisof simulation results. The developed method was verified on the bends of the ́Swinouj ́scie–Szczecinfairway, by comparing the results to the exact simulation method of a ship’s movements. The relativelyhigh accuracy and low costs of the method allow it to be used in a concept design of built or modernwaterway systems. 

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst


DOI: 10.3390/jmse8020138

Tytuł: Laser-based aid systems for berthing and docking

Autor/Autorzy: Marko Perkovič, Lucjan Gucma, Mateusz Bilewski, Bartosz Muczyński, Franc Dimc, Blaž Luin, Peter Vidmar, Vivien Lorenčič, Milan Batista

Miejsce publikacji: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol.8, issue 5

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: container ship; precise positioning; portable pilot unit; gyro error; container terminal; berthing and docking; LiDAR scanner; STS crane

Abstract: The berthing of an ultra large ship is always a difficult issue and becomes yet more complex when vessels must be handled in restricted manoeuvring areas of limited depth, exposed to a forceful crosswind, or manoeuvring in a strong current, or all three. The final approaching manoeuvre and precise positioning is particularly demanding at container terminals where many STS cranes are located along the quay, seriously limiting margin for error in the process of mooring a ship, especially when the cranes are located nearby a bridge wing or at the very edge of the pier. In order to avoid collisions, the final manoeuvre (side-push) must be fully controlled; the ship’s orientation must be parallel with the quay while maintaining the minimum lateral approaching velocity without significantly shifting the vessel longitudinally. The mooring of a Ro-Ro vessel is occasionally even more challenging: a precise docking manoeuvre is normally executed without any towing assistance. In this paper low cost laser-based berthing and docking systems developed for the ports of Koper and Swinousce are presented and several berthing manoeuvres are analysed and compared with the most commonly used GNSS-based navigational aid system portable pilot units (PPU).

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst


DOI: 10.3390/jmse8050346

Tytuł: GNSS Measurements Model in Ship Handling Simulators

Autor/Autorzy: Mateusz Bilewski, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: IEEE Access , vol. 7, pp. 76428 - 76437

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: GNSS, GPS, ECDIS, simulation, ship handling, marine navigation

Abstrakt: Electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) forms the basis of contemporary and future marine e-navigation, track control, and integrated navigation systems, and is a key navigational aid in maritime ship handling simulators. All the ECDIS information is referred to as positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) data derived from the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) by default. GNSS data fidelity, its representation, and accurate model of error propagation to ship final position are becoming the key factors enabling ship handling simulators to be utilized in navigators’ training and research analyses of vessels’ maneuvering. This paper presents an advanced stochastic model of GNSS code pseudorange observations and position-fix calculation based on GPS example. It has been developed for simulated GPS shipborne receivers interconnected to the ECDISs in physical and virtual reality ship simulators.

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Tytuł: A simulation method for the determining the minimum pull of tugs assisting in port manoeuvres

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Maciej Gucma, Rafał Gralak, Mateusz Bilewski, Bartosz Muczyński

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 57(129)2019, pp. 49-55

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: port manoeuvring, simulation of ship movement, manoeuvring safety, tug assistance, determination, minimum safe pull

Abstrakt: publikacji: The article presents a simulation method for determining the minimum safe pull of tugs assisting in port manoeuvres. The method can be used to determine the relationship between the minimum safe pull, understood as the tension on the line, of the assisting tugs and the overall length, cargo capacity or net capacity of ships manoeuvring in a given port under allowable hydrometeorological conditions. The method was verified through simulated tests of gas tankers’ entry, turning and berthing at the LNG terminal of Świnoujście.

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Tytuł: Assessment of GNSS Position Integrity with the Use of Postprocessed EGNOS Data in the Area of Szczecin-Świnoujście Waterway

Autor/Autorzy: Mateusz Bilewski, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation, vol.25/2018 , pp. 66-77

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: EGNOS, SBAS, integrity data, SISNET parser, CRC-24Q

Abstrakt: GNSS measurements can be supplemented by the information available in EGNOS system even if one has only GNSS receiver that is not processing Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems data. The article describes how to obtain the variances of ranges to the satellites used for positioning when the final antenna position and satellites’ elevation and azimuths values are recorded. To verify how the resultant estimates of position error correspond to real errors the research based on GPS receiver was conducted.

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Tytuł: A method for the approximation of oil binder fall trajectory

Autor/Autorzy: Marcin Przywarty, Bartosz Muczyński, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: oil binders, oil spill handling, BioBind, natural experiment, sea operation, approximation

Abstrakt: The following paper presents a novel method for approximating the fall trajectories of small, lightweight oil binders, used during oil spill clean-up operation at sea. Due to the weight, size and shape of the binders, the fall trajectory is highly dependent on the direction and strength of the wind, as well as the rotations and positions of individual binders when dropped. Since a large quantity of tightly packed binders are dropped at once, it is highly inconvenient to calculate the precise trajectory of each binder when its exact initial rotation and position inside the container are not known. The aim of this study is to predict the exact moment and position of the drop, as well as the oil binders’ spread, considering wind conditions, airplane velocity and height.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: pełny tekst


DOI: 10.17402/264

Tytuł: A kinematic method for the assessment of the safe parameters of a waterway bend

Autor/Autorzy: Jan Dzwonkowski, Marcin Przywarty, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: kinematic method, safe parameters, waterway, simulation model, physically paths, simulation

Abstrakt: This paper presents an original kinematic method for the assessment of the safe parameters of waterway bends. The proposed method has been based on the analysis of the results obtained through the use of the developed simulation model which allowed for the examination of all the physically available paths of a ship’s centre of gravity. The results of the simulation were divided into defined subsets that enabled the assessment of the safe parameters of waterway bends. This paper also presents the calculations that were carried out for the theoretical reference bend.



DOI: 10.17402/272

Tytuł: Criteria of Accidental Damage by Ships Anchors of Subsea Gas Pipeline in the Gdańsk Bay Area

Autor/Autorzy: Krzysztof Marcjan, Remigiusz Dzikowski, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: Vessel’s Damage Consequences, Criteria of Accidental Damage, Ships Anchors, Subsea Gas Pipeline, Gdansk Bay Area, Pipeline, Underwater Infrastructure, Damage to the Pipeline

Abstrakt: This paper discusses issues of the accidental anchor damage to offshore subsea pipeline as one of the most significant threat to underwater infrastructure. The density of vessel traffic over the pipeline between platform Baltic Beta and Wladyslawowo power plant has been analyzed. In order to determine the most common damages associated with heavy ship traffic, the authors used the risk model for underwater infrastructure. For this purpose ships anchor equipment has been categorized and as the results the criteria of damage to the pipeline have been discussed.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,43,744.html


DOI: 10.12716/1001.11.03.07

Autor rozdziału 10: Empiryczne metody wymiarowania torów wodnych stosowane na świecie - zestawienie i porównanie, strony 279-294.

Tytuł monografii: Inżynieria ruchu morskiego. Wytyczne do projektowania morskich dróg wodnych i portów oraz warunków ich bezpiecznej eksploatacji

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Jarosław Artyszuk, Mateusz Bilewski, Rafał Gralak, Lucjan Gucma, Maciej Gucma, Krzysztof Marcjan, Wojciech Ślączka, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Wydawnictwo Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: morskie drogi wodne, wymiarowanie morskich dróg wodnych, eksploatacja statków, przepustowość dróg wodnych, analiza ryzyka
Abstrakt: Inżynieria ruchu morskiego jest dyscypliną zajmującą się jakościowym i ilościowym opisem ruchu jednostek pływających na akwenach ograniczonych w aspektach bezpieczeństwa nawigacji i efektywności żeglugi. Opracowywane metody i procedury inżynierii ruchu morskiego znalazły szerokie zastosowanie przy projektowaniu morskich dróg wodnych, portów, statków oraz warunków ich bezpiecznej eksploatacji. Projektowanie w inżynierii ruchu morskiego utożsamiane jest z następującymi podstawowymi zadaniami:

• optymalizacja parametrów budowanych i modernizowanych systemów morskich dróg wodnych;

• określenie warunków bezpiecznej eksploatacji statków na drogach wodnych;

• optymalizacja parametrów statków przewidzianych do eksploatacji na określonych drogach wodnych. Opisane w książce metodologia i metody projektowania różnego rodzaju dróg wodnych ich systemów oraz promów morskich zostały opracowane w oparciu o odpowiednie rozwiązania stosowane w inżynierii ruchu morskiego. Metody te bazują na modelach deterministycznych i probalistycznych procesu ruchu statków, modelowaniu matematycznym i symulacji komputerowej ruchu statków na morskich drogach wodnych.


ISBN 978-83-60584-71-2

Autor rozdziału: The Visual System in a DP Simulator at Maritime University of Szczecin, str. 221-224.

Tytuł monografii: Marine Navigation. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Autor/Autorzy: P.Zalewski, R.Gralak, B.Muczynski, M.Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Taylor & Francis Group

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: DP, Unity

Abstrakt: The paper presents the visual system designed in Maritime University of Szczecin in conformance to the Nautical Institute’s requirements of Dynamic Positioning (DP) simulator class B. The specific functionalities and capabilities of this visual system connected to a DP advanced trainer of Kongsberg K-Pos type has been described.

ISBN 978-1-138-29762-3



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Tytuł: Conception of EGNOS Integrity Data Utilization in ENC Systems

Autor/Autorzy: Mateusz Bilewski, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 10 No.3, pp.389-393

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), EGNOS, Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), Marine Vessel Protection Area (MVPA), Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC), Full Mission Bridge Simulator (FMBS), Integrity

Abstrakt: The paper presents the processing of EGNOS integrity data received either directly from the satellite network or the Sisnet internet relay. Relationship between the individual frames in EGNOS messages has been described. Usefulness of these data was indicated by the three examples. In the first example data form EGNOS was used to compare integrity parameters and the calculated position error. In further examples the simulated position with error and calculated integrity parameters were implemented together. The results were presented in two ways: with use of dedicated program which presents only ship contours (the one not covering GNSS uncertainty and the one covering this uncertainty called Marine Vessel Protection Area) and as a layer in existing ECDIS.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,39,659.html



Tytuł: Application of Markov chains to a navigator visual attention model

Autor/Autorzy: Bartosz Muczyński, Maciej Gucma, Mateusz Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 46(118)2016, pp. 95-100

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: navigation, eye tracking, usability studies, stochastic model, marine simulator, Markov chains

Abstrakt: publikacji: This paper presents initial results from a series of eye-tracking experiments on a Full Mission Bridge simulator. The aim of this research was to develop a stochastic model of a navigator’s attention distribution during their navigational watch. Such model could be used as a tool for workload and usability studies for navigators and navigational equipment interfaces. A structure of the model is discussed together with the evaluation of Markov chains as a main modelling tool. Initial results are presented and discussed. It is suggested that 1st order Markov chains are not fully applicable for this problem. A combination of the 1st and higher-order Markov chains will be applied in the next stage of research.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:



Tytuł: Application of ultrasonic distance sensors for measuring height as a tool in unmanned aerial vehicles with a stabilized position in the vertical plane

Autor/Autorzy: Mateusz Bilewski, Grzegorz Putynkowski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 46(118)2016, pp. 17-21

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: netduino, UAV, ultrasonic distance sensors, height measurement, arduino, raspberry Pi

Abstrakt: publikacji: The paper presents a review of ultrasonic sensors. Attention is focused on the possibility of using such sensors

to keep an unmanned aerial vehicle at a constant altitude above the surface. Such a task requires filtered and

unfiltered signals, so that the ground level can be distinguished even when obstacles are present. Three selected

sensors were tested. The possibility of connecting these sensors to external devices was also studied. The

potential of the individual sensors and of a set of sensors is discussed. The study showed that the best solution

is to use a set of three ultrasonic sensors. Alternatively, a sensor with both unfiltered and filtered measurement

was proved to be an adequate option.

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