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Unia Europejska

Publikacje naukowe Paweł Zalewski

Tytuł: The Use of a Double Bottom Trawl Set to Assess the Selectivity of Innovative Codends in Baltic Cod (Gadus morhua) Fishing

Autor/Autorzy: P.Zalewski, P.Nowakowski, K.Berest, G.Krzemień, J.Artyszuk, A.Żuliński, M.Kasprowicz 

Miejsce publikacji:  Applied Sciences-Basel, Tom 14 Zeszyt 3, Nr str. 1131, Data wydania: 01/2024

Rok: 2024

Słowa kluczowe: Baltic fishery, selective fishing, bottom trawl design, ultracross codend, diffuser

Abstrakt: The overall objective of the study presented in this paper was to evaluate the selectivity properties of three innovative codends in Baltic cod fishing: (1) an ultracross codend of 120 mm square mesh, (2) an ultracross codend with additional devices reducing the speed of water flow—one tarpaulin diffuser and one net confusor of 120 mm mesh, and (3) an ultracross codend with two tarpaulin diffusers and two net confusors of 120 mm mesh. These codends were firstly tested at sea by single trawls and compared to T90 and herring codend trawls, allowing assessment of caught fish mass and dimensions. Additionally, a special divided small-mesh coat for the innovative codends enabled determination of the amount as well as the length and mass of cod escaping from the codend both while the trawling gear was towed and while it was hauled. Further validation of codend selectivity was carried out by a double (twin) bottom trawl set deployed from one cutter in various variants of innovative codends compared to standard ones. The results of the study indicate that the use of an innovative ultracross codend and innovative devices reducing the water flow speed (tarpaulin diffusers and 120 mm net confusors) significantly reduces the number of undersized cod (<35 cm), even down to 1.3%, in the haul and contributes to a reduction in invisible mortal discard.

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Tytuł: Challenges Related to Standardization of GNSS/RNSS Shipborne Equipment by International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Autor/Autorzy: P. Zalewski, M. Bergmann, R. Wawruch, A. Weintritt 

Miejsce publikacji:  TransNav-International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 12/ 2023 , vol. 17 no 4; pp. 863-869

Rok: 2023

Słowa kluczowe: Safety of NavigationIMO RegulationsSystem AlertsIMO Performance StandardsShip's PositioningGNSSIntegrity riskPositioning System Parameters

Abstrakt: In 2020 several member states initiated at IMO forum (NCSR subcommittee) a process to create a single set of generic performance standards consolidating all existing performance standards for shipborne satellite navigation system receiver equipment without creating any new requirements. After over 4 years the resultant generic framework for GNSS/RNSS subsystems has not been adopted yet and awaits further amendments. Analysis of the proposed standards with stress on harmonization issues of the existing, IMO recognized, global and regional navigation satellite systems and the expected impact of these generic standards of satellite navigation receivers on the maritime user are presented in this paper. Additionally the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats awaiting maritime or shipborne GNSS/RNSS equipment standardization process are outlined in the paper.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: TransNav Journal - Challenges Related to Standardization of GNSS/RNSS Shipborne Equipment by International Maritime Organization (IMO)

DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.12

Tytuł: Power consumption and effectiveness of azimuth stern-drive (ASD) tug while assisting at ship’s bow

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Energies 2022 , vol. 15 (24); pp. 9519

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: azimuth stern drive; ASD tug; bow tug assistance; energy efficiency; towing effectiveness; harbour manoeuvring; full mission ship simulator; FMBS studies

Abstrakt: The purpose of this article is to present a methodical approach to increasing the efficiency of a tug with an azimuth stern drive (ASD). The difficulties in the bow-to-bow (as a reverse tractor) operations of an azimuth stern-drive tug, while pulling at the assisted (towed) ship’s bow, are investigated through a parametric study. The authors’ original generic analytical model of a tug in a steady state is utilised. Various design and operation options are also compared, which cover the escort speed, hawser angle, and relative location of the towing point, among others. The latter also means a shift to stern-to-bow operation. The thruster power required and the remaining surplus for executing new alignment (steering) orders are assessed. The study is, thus, aimed at energy savings for the whole operation and, consequently, at long-term harbour-tug-fleet energy effectiveness. The basic output of the present research is the comparison of the behavioural and control patterns of various tug arrangements at a ship’s bow. The results of the study show a slight advantage for a midship winch tug working through her stern for bow operation (stern-to-bow) over the reverse tractor acting bow-to-bow. Comparing various tug designs or operation options is difficult due to complicated tug dynamics and statics patterns under the hawser action. Both relative and absolute towing forces have to be considered (a high relative force may result in a low absolute force, much less than ordered by the pilot), with some geometrical and safety constraints additionally. The practical implementation of the conducted research should cover the guidance and training rendered to tug masters in the scope of the operational limitations of a particular tug and towards the design or acquisition of the tug that is best-suited for a particular harbour operation.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Energies | Free Full-Text | Power Consumption and Effectiveness of Azimuth Stern-Drive (ASD) Tug While Assisting at Ship’s Bow (


Tytuł: Evolution of Maritime GNSS and RNSS Performance Standards

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski, Andrzej Bąk, Michael Bermann

Miejsce publikacji: Remote Sensing, vol. 14(21) 2022

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: GNSS; IMO; maritime standarts; RAIM; RNSS

Abstrakt publikacji: The primary means for electronic position fixing in use in contemporary maritime transport are shipborne GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers or DGPS (Differential GPS) re-ceivers. More advanced GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) or RNSS (Regional Navigation Satellite Systems) receivers are able to process combined signals from American GPS, Russian GLONASS, Chinese Beidou (BDS), European Galileo, Indian IRNSS, and Japan QZSS. Satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) are still not commonly used in the maritime domain, especially onboard vessels certified under international SOLAS convention. The issues and weaknesses of existing International Maritime Organization recommendations, guidelines, requirements, performance standards, and policies on GNSS shipborne sensors are discussed and presented in the paper. Many problems that have already been dealt with in other means of transportation are still to be solved in the maritime domain. The integrity monitoring is addressed as the main issue, and recommendations based on solutions implemented in aviation and the latest research are proposed. Finally, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats awaiting maritime GNSS standardization process are outlined.

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Tytuł: Complex Monitoring of Vertical Land Motions Corresponding to Geological
Structure of Coastal and River Areas in Northwestern Poland


Autor/Autorzy: Marek Zygmunt, Ilona Garczyńska, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences, vol. 12 (14) 2022

Rok: 2022

Słowa kluczowe: geological structure; precision levelling; vertical land movements; GNSS measurements

Abstrakt publikacji: This paper presents a study of vertical land movements conducted in northwestern Poland, covering the city of Szczecin. The land of Szczecin is made up of organic soils, covered in many places by water (lagoons, rivers, and lakes), which are susceptible to displacement; therefore, benchmarks in this area are susceptible to changes in height. The analysis of the geological structure of the near-surface layer of the Szczecin area, such as organic soils, sands, and clays, was carried out. The detailed recognition of geological structure in connection with height changes of benchmarks made it possible to locate stable benchmarks in the researched area. In the first step, the authors chose benchmarks in a stable geological structure based on archive data from the Polish Geodesy Documentation Center. In the second step, precise GNSS 3D measurements were performed in the direct vicinity of these benchmarks in order to verify their stability. Verified stations provided a reference for the reliable monitoring of the deformation of other surfaces resulting, for example, from changes in organic sediments. Existing and new engineering structures erected in the area of the Oder River Szczecin islands were selected for the final research of vertical land motions. Static GNSS observations were conducted in November 2020 and May 2021.

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Tytuł: Analysis of ship accidents based on European statistical surveys

Autor/Autorzy: Katarzyna Posacka, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 68 (140) 2021

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: maritime safety, ship accidents, contributing factors, human factor, IMO, EMSA

Abstrakt publikacji: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) introduces, adopts, and implements new instruments, such as conventions, resolutions, and guidelines, to prevent and minimize the number and severity of accidents involving ships at sea. The results of international maritime safety requirements introduced in recent years are presented in this paper. The impact of these regulations on ship safety improvement in European marine waters was determined via an analysis of accidents over a seven-year period of 2014–2020. The analysis was based on the classification of accidents by their severity, by the type of ship involved, and by the identified causes or contributing factors. Evident, still existing “weak points” of maritime safety monitoring are emphasized, such as low reporting of incidents and superficial identification of contributing factors. It is worth noting that the technological development of marine electronic systems introduced both positive effects and novel threats to the safety of navigation. An example is an uncritical overreliance on technology and information provided via electronic means and sensors. In this context the usage of integrated, digitized bridge systems in contemporary maritime vessels and future remote control systems was stressed.

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DOI: 10.17402/483

Tytuł: Energy Savings by Optimization of Thrusters Allocation during Complex Ship Manoeuvres

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Energies 2021 , vol. 14 (16); pp. 4959

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: energy efficiency; thrust allocation; constrained optimization; ship control by joystick; harbour manoeuvring; berthing; simulator; FMBS

Abstrakt: The International Maritime Organization adopted a strategy to reduce the total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 50% by 2050, compared to 2008 levels. The European Union proposed an even farther reaching transformation: the European Commission adopted a set of proposals to make the EU’s transport policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Therefore, all industrial actions in line and consistent with these strategies are essential. One of such activities may be a gradual transition from the most common independent controls of transport ships’ thrusters, propellers, and rudders to an integrated, power optimized, 3 degrees of freedom joystick control. In this paper, the full mission bridge simulator (FMBS) research on potential energy savings and, consequently, a GHG emission reduction, while steering a RoPax twin-screw ferry equipped with bow thrusters by a joystick control, is presented. The task of navigators engaged in the research was to steer the vessel either via classic engine, rudder, and thruster levers or via a joystick while (1) following the predefined straight track,(2) rotating at the turning area, and (3), finally, crabbing (moving sideways) until stopping at the quay fenders. The conclusions are that energy savings of approximately 10% can be expected for berthing manoeuvres controlled by a joystick, compared to independent actuators’ controls. These conclusions have been drawn from a statistical analysis of the ship’s energy consumption during typical manoeuvring phases of 18 berthing operations performed in FMBS.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Energies | Free Full-Text | Energy Savings by Optimization of Thrusters Allocation during Complex Ship Manoeuvres (



Tytuł: Determination of the Waterway Parameters as a Component of Safety Management System

Autor/Autorzy: Andrzej Bąk, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Applied Sciences-Basel , vol. 11 (10); pp. 4456

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: fairway, marine traffic engineering, Navigation channel, safety of navigation, safety management system

Abstrakt: This article presents the use of a computer application codenamed “NEPTUN” to ascertain the waterway parameters of the modernised Świnoujście–Szczecin waterway. The designed program calculates the individual risks in selected sections of the fairway depending on the input data, including the parameters of the ship, available water area, and positioning methods. The collected data used for analyses in individual modules are stored in a SQL server of shared access. Vector electronic navigation charts of S-57 standard specification are used as the cartographic background. The width of the waterway is calculated by means of the method developed on the basis of the modified PIANC guidelines. The main goal of the research is to prove and demonstrate that the designed software would directly increase the navigation safety level of the Świnoujście–Szczecin fairway and indicate the optimal positioning methods in various navigation circumstances.

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Tytuł: Integrity Concept for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships’ Position Sensors

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: SENSORS, vol. 20(7); pp. 2075

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: MASS, maritime position sensors, integrity, PVT, PNT, GNSS

Abstrakt: The primary means for electronic position fixing currently in use in majority of contemporary merchant ships are shipborne GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers or DGPS (Differential GPS) and IALA (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities) radio beacon receivers. More advanced GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers able to process signals from GPS, Russian GLONASS, Chinese Beidou, European Galileo, Indian IRNSS, Japan QZSS, and satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS), are still relatively rare in maritime domain. However, it is expected that such combined or multi-system receivers will soon become more common in maritime transport and integrated with gyro, inertial, radar, laser, and optical sensors, and they will become indispensable onboard maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS). To be prepared for a malfunction of any position sensors, their state-of-the-art integrity monitoring should be developed and standardized, taking into account the specificity of MASS and e-navigation safety. The issues of existing requirements, performance standards, and future concepts of integrity monitoring for maritime position sensors are discussed and presented in this paper.

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Tytuł: Optimization of fairway design parameters: Systematic approach to manoeuvring safety

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 12, pp. 129-145

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: Navigation channel, Fairway width, Manoeuvring safety, Marine engineering, Optimization

Abstrakt: The article presents a systematic approach to design of marine navigation channels parameters resulting from manoeuvring and operational safety. Relations between the parameters of waterway system elements and the conditions of safe ship operation have been determined and the objective function of waterway parameters’ optimization problems has been minimized with respect to variables of construction and operation costs. These costs have been functionally associated to variables of channel width at the bottom and fairway depth. The method of fairway’s width computation at specified safe depth at the preliminary and detailed stages of waterway design has been proposed. The results of this method application have been illustrated with two examples: 1. The modernization of Szczecin-Świnoujście fairway aimed at accepting vessels of 60,000 DWT capacity. 2. Construction of an approach channel leading to a newly built container terminal in Świnoujście harbour (Poland), handling ocean-going container ships of 20,000 TEU capacity.

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Tytuł: A Critical Analysis of IMO S-Mode Guidelines

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav-International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, vol. 13 no 4, pp. 841-846

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: Watchkeeping, S-Mode, International Maritime Organization (IMO), Critical Analysis, User Interface Design, Navigation Equipment, Radar Equipment, ECDIS

Abstrakt: Circular on “Guidelines for the Standardization of User Interface Design for Navigation Equipment”, commonly known as “S-Mode Guidelines”, has lately been approved by International Maritime Organisation. Its potential impact on default and common user settings of radar equipment, electronic chart display & information system, and integrated navigation system has been discussed in the article. Several issues that should be considered during technical implementation of the circular provisions and follow-up familiarization of navigators with the affected equipment have been identified.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,52,962.html



Tytuł: The role of GNSS to support UAS operations for surveillance

Autor/Autorzy: Marco Nisi, Pietro Cristofanilli, Lucjan Gucma, Paweł Zalewski, Alberto Mennella, Graziano Gagliarde, Gianluca Luisi, Bilal Muhammad, Ramjee Prasad, Damiano Taurino

Miejsce publikacji: Ka and Broadband Communications Conference , vol. 1, pp. 1-15

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe:

Abstrakt: In this paper an innovative UAS approach is presented for surveillance related applications, based on autonomous operations (conventional drone) and continuous operation (tethered drone). For both the approaches the importance of GNSS technology has been shown with particular attention to the key performance indicators to be achieved.

A test campaign has been realised aiming to demonstrate how a tethered drone configuration can be also mounted on board a moving vehicle exploiting a “follow the vehicle” functionality using the baseline measurement performed by means of GNSS receivers. The results presented shows interesting performance in terms of moving baseline estimation accuracy and RTK availability for all the collected data sets at vehicle speed of 40 kmph and 60 kmph where we opted for a vehicle which has a flat rooftop with no obstructions whatsoever that could produce multipath. Finally, we can argue that the moving baseline estimation can be effective to measure accurately the position of tethered RPA with respect to the moving maritime vessel in real time. The tests results showed that the moving baseline can be estimated at decimetric level, when the position of the receiver is RTK fixed, even at top speed of 60 kmph.

As future work, further receivers coming soon in the market will be investigated and tested in other realistic environment on board a drone to perform a complete end to end test to verify the “follow the vehicle” functionality allowing a drone to be coupled with a car or a ship taking also into account the harsh weather conditions.

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DOI: brak

Tytuł: GNSS Measurements Model in Ship Handling Simulators

Autor/Autorzy: Mateusz Bilewski, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: IEEE Access , vol. 7, pp. 76428 - 76437

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: GNSS, GPS, ECDIS, simulation, ship handling, marine navigation

Abstrakt: Electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) forms the basis of contemporary and future marine e-navigation, track control, and integrated navigation systems, and is a key navigational aid in maritime ship handling simulators. All the ECDIS information is referred to as positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) data derived from the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) by default. GNSS data fidelity, its representation, and accurate model of error propagation to ship final position are becoming the key factors enabling ship handling simulators to be utilized in navigators’ training and research analyses of vessels’ maneuvering. This paper presents an advanced stochastic model of GNSS code pseudorange observations and position-fix calculation based on GPS example. It has been developed for simulated GPS shipborne receivers interconnected to the ECDISs in physical and virtual reality ship simulators.

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Tytuł: Modern Dynamic Positioning (DP) System of ORP “KORMORAN” - Class Mine Destryer

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski, Roman Haberek, Mirosław Chmieliński

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, vol.215 Issue 4 , pp. 143-155

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: DP, dynamic positioning, thrust allocation, constrained convex optimization, ORP “Kormoran”

Abstrakt: The paper presents the dynamic positioning system (DP), particularly its thruster allocation model, designed for ORP ‘Kormoran’, a Polish mine destroyer built for the Polish Navy in Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. in Gdańsk. The ORP ‘Kormoran’ ship is the newest and best equipped minehunter ship in Europe. The main task of the new Polish mine destroyer is to search for, classify, identify and combat marine mines and improvised underwater explosives, recognize waterways, transport mines, deploy mines and provide remote control of self-propelled anti-mine platforms. The dynamic positioning control system of the ship presented in the article was constructed by Autocomp Management Ltd. from Szczecin, the only in Poland and one of the few producers of dynamic ship positioning systems in the world.

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Tytuł: Assessment of GNSS Position Integrity with the Use of Postprocessed EGNOS Data in the Area of Szczecin-Świnoujście Waterway

Autor/Autorzy: Mateusz Bilewski, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation, vol.25/2018 , pp. 66-77

Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: EGNOS, SBAS, integrity data, SISNET parser, CRC-24Q

Abstrakt: GNSS measurements can be supplemented by the information available in EGNOS system even if one has only GNSS receiver that is not processing Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems data. The article describes how to obtain the variances of ranges to the satellites used for positioning when the final antenna position and satellites’ elevation and azimuths values are recorded. To verify how the resultant estimates of position error correspond to real errors the research based on GPS receiver was conducted.

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Tytuł: Constraints in allocation of thrusters in a DP simulator

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 52(124)2017 , pp.45-50

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: dynamic positioning, thrust allocation, convex optimization, constrained optimization, DP simulator, thrusters

Abstrakt: Vessels conducting dynamic positioning (DP) operations are usually equipped with thruster configurations that enable the generation of force and torque. Some thrusters in these configurations are deliberately redundant to minimize consequences of thruster failures, enable overactuated control and increase the safety in operation. On such vessels, a thrust allocation system must be used to distribute the control actions determined by the DP controller among the thrusters. The optimal allocation of the thrusters’ settings in DP systems is a problem that can be solved by convex optimization methods depending on the criteria and constraints used. This paper presents a quadratic programming (QP) method, adopted in a DP control model, which is being developed in Maritime University of Szczecin for ship simulation purposes.

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Autor rozdziału 6.1: Parametryzacja systemu podejściowych dróg wodnych metodą CIRM (Centrum Inżynierii Ruchu Morskiego), strony 147-161.

Tytuł monografii: Inżynieria ruchu morskiego. Wytyczne do projektowania morskich dróg wodnych i portów oraz warunków ich bezpiecznej eksploatacji

Autor/Autorzy: Stanisław Gucma, Jarosław Artyszuk, Mateusz Bilewski, Rafał Gralak, Lucjan Gucma, Maciej Gucma, Krzysztof Marcjan, Wojciech Ślączka, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Wydawnictwo Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: morskie drogi wodne, wymiarowanie morskich dróg wodnych, eksploatacja statków, przepustowość dróg wodnych, analiza ryzyka
Abstrakt: Inżynieria ruchu morskiego jest dyscypliną zajmującą się jakościowym i ilościowym opisem ruchu jednostek pływających na akwenach ograniczonych w aspektach bezpieczeństwa nawigacji i efektywności żeglugi. Opracowywane metody i procedury inżynierii ruchu morskiego znalazły szerokie zastosowanie przy projektowaniu morskich dróg wodnych, portów, statków oraz warunków ich bezpiecznej eksploatacji. Projektowanie w inżynierii ruchu morskiego utożsamiane jest z następującymi podstawowymi zadaniami:

• optymalizacja parametrów budowanych i modernizowanych systemów morskich dróg wodnych;

• określenie warunków bezpiecznej eksploatacji statków na drogach wodnych;

• optymalizacja parametrów statków przewidzianych do eksploatacji na określonych drogach wodnych. Opisane w książce metodologia i metody projektowania różnego rodzaju dróg wodnych ich systemów oraz promów morskich zostały opracowane w oparciu o odpowiednie rozwiązania stosowane w inżynierii ruchu morskiego. Metody te bazują na modelach deterministycznych i probalistycznych procesu ruchu statków, modelowaniu matematycznym i symulacji komputerowej ruchu statków na morskich drogach wodnych.


ISBN 978-83-60584-71-2

Autor rozdziału: The Visual System in a DP Simulator at Maritime University of Szczecin, str. 221-224.

Tytuł monografii: Marine Navigation. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation

Autor/Autorzy: P.Zalewski, R.Gralak, B.Muczynski, M.Bilewski

Miejsce publikacji: Taylor & Francis Group

Rok: 2017

Słowa kluczowe: DP, Unity

Abstrakt: The paper presents the visual system designed in Maritime University of Szczecin in conformance to the Nautical Institute’s requirements of Dynamic Positioning (DP) simulator class B. The specific functionalities and capabilities of this visual system connected to a DP advanced trainer of Kongsberg K-Pos type has been described.

ISBN 978-1-138-29762-3


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Tytuł: Conception of EGNOS Integrity Data Utilization in ENC Systems

Autor/Autorzy: Mateusz Bilewski, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 10 No.3, pp.389-393

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), EGNOS, Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), Marine Vessel Protection Area (MVPA), Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC), Full Mission Bridge Simulator (FMBS), Integrity

Abstrakt: The paper presents the processing of EGNOS integrity data received either directly from the satellite network or the Sisnet internet relay. Relationship between the individual frames in EGNOS messages has been described. Usefulness of these data was indicated by the three examples. In the first example data form EGNOS was used to compare integrity parameters and the calculated position error. In further examples the simulated position with error and calculated integrity parameters were implemented together. The results were presented in two ways: with use of dedicated program which presents only ship contours (the one not covering GNSS uncertainty and the one covering this uncertainty called Marine Vessel Protection Area) and as a layer in existing ECDIS.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,39,659.html



Tytuł: Methods of Thrust Allocation in a DP Simulation System of Maritime University of Szczecin

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Annual of Navigation, Vol. 23/2016, pp.209 - 218

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: dynamic positioning thrust allocation, convex optimization

Abstrakt:Vessels conducting dynamic positioning (DP) operations are usually equipped with thruster configurations that enable generation of resultant force and moment in any direction. These configurations are deliberately redundant in order to reduce the consequences of thruster failures and increase the safety. On such vessels a thrust allocation system must be used to distribute the control actions determined by the DP controller among the thrusters. The optimal allocation of thrusters′ settings in DP systems is a problem that can be solved by several convex optimization methods depending on criteria and constraints used. The paper presents linear programming (LP) and quadratic programming (QP) methods adopted in DP control model which is being developed in Maritime University of Szczecin for ship simulation purposes.

Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji: Annual of Navigation



Tytuł: SBAS integrity data in e-navigation systems

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Transport, Zeszyt 113, pp. 495-506

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: SBAS, ECDIS, usability testing

Abstrakt: The paper presents the usable form of SBAS integrity data presentation in e-navigation

systems. The usability testing of ECDIS display augmented with innovative SBAS integrity data tool

was based on the IMO’s Guidelines on Software Quality Assurance and Human-centred Design for

e-Navigation. By incorporating the eye tracking techniques into the procedure it was possible to

measure the visual attention distribution and the cognitive workload. The applied usability evaluation

method proved that the seafarers were able to successfully perform primary operations of the systems

reasonably upgraded with SBAS integrity tool and raise their situation awareness, regardless of the

type and specifications of the system and their knowledge and experience with the system.

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DOI: brak

Tytuł: Convex optimization of thrust allocation in a dynamic positioning simulation system

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 48 (120) 2016, pp.58-62

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: simulator, programming, dynamic positioning, thrust allocation, convex optimization, configurations

Abstrakt: Vessels conducting dynamic positioning (DP) operations are usually equipped with thruster configurations that enable the generation of resultant force and moment in any direction. These configurations are deliberately redundant in order to reduce the consequences of thruster failures and increase the safety. On such vessels a thrust allocation system must be used to distribute the control actions determined by the DP controller among the thrusters. The optimal allocation of thrusters’ settings in DP systems is a problem that can be solved by several convex optimization methods depending on criteria and constraints used. The paper presents linear programming (LP) and quadratic programming (QP) methods adopted in the DP control model which is being developed at the Maritime University of Szczecin for ship simulation purposes.

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Tytuł: Optimization of waterway bend widths using computer simulation methods of ship movement

Autor/Autorzy: Jarosław Artyszuk, Rafał Gralak, Maciej Gucma, Stanisław Gucma, Wojciech Ślączka, Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol.46(118)2016, pp. 115-121

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: computer simulation of vessel traffic, marine traffic engineering, waterways, bends in the fairway, simulation methods of optimizing the parameters of waterways, Świnoujście–Szczecin fairway

Abstrakt: publikacji: The paper presents the development of a new simulation method to optimize bends in marine waterways. This method, using results of empirical research and simulation methods, would allow accurate determination of safe manoeuvring areas. The method was used for detailed design of parameters of a waterway which is undergoing modernization to determine the optimum parameters of bend shapes in horizontal plane. The study was conducted on the ship bridge simulator by marine pilots.

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Tytuł: Extended framework for usability testing in e-Navigation system

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski, Bartosz Muczyński

Miejsce publikacji: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, vol. 10 no.1, pp. 43-48

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: ECDIS, e-Navigation Concept, e-Navigation Implementation, e-Navigation Strategy, e-Navigation, Usability Testing

Abstrakt: publikacji: The paper presents the framework of usability testing of ECDIS equipment based on the IMO’s Guidelines on Software Quality Assurance and Human-centred Design for e-Navigation. By incorporating the eye tracking techniques into the procedure it was possible to measure the visual attention distribution and the cognitive work-load. The presented method could be used to evaluate usability of every e-navigation system, which is necessary to ensure that the seafarers are able to successfully perform primary operations of systems upgraded with e-navigation functions, regardless of the type and specifications of the system and users’ knowledge and experience with the system. The initial results are presented and discussed as the study is still ongoing.

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Tytuł: Presentation of Satellite Based Augmentation System integrity data in an Electronic Chart System display

Autor/Autorzy: Paweł Zalewski

Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 45 (117) 2016, pp. 150-156

Rok: 2016

Słowa kluczowe: GNSS, ECS, SBAS, Integrity Data, MVPA, HPL

Abstrakt publikacji: We propose a Marine Vessel Protection Area (MVPA) model as the means of satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) integrity data presentation in an electronic chart system (ECS) display. The model takes into account several factors that influence the shape and dimensions of the MVPA. These factors include GNSS signal aspects, where measurement errors depend on the geometry of visible satellites and the signal propagation, the ship’s size, the ship’s heading and its estimated accuracy, position of the GNSS/SBAS antenna relative to the ship’s hull, and SBAS integrity data. The resultant safety contour or domain can be displayed within the ECS or ECDIS as a graphical representation of the marine ship position and the protection level of the electronic position/course fixing equipment, equivalent to the horizontal protection level (HPL) used in aviation.

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